
That too. I need to watch again and see exactly how they are/aren’t interacting with him. Because typically they’ve been tricky with how he interplays w/ others in scenes.

Nope no one has thought of that one!

USA Pro Challenge in Colorado will be on NBC sports next month too (same announcers as the Tour).

Some top Tour riders came from mountain biking. Peter Sagan in this years tour comes to mind. Cadel Evans won a few years back and was a pro mtb-er first.

Jesse Plemons! aka Landry aka Todd

But how am I supposed to have a catch with my 2.5 kids??

Andy Greenwald should go to HitFix, team up with Sepinwall, now that Dan Feinberg has left. Yes, I watch too much TV and spend too much time reading about it. And I don’t feel bad about it.

You forgot the TRUEST detective of them all.

The OG Moto X is still my phone, I just haven’t seen anything that I want to upgrade too. It’s getting a bit slow though, probably will upgrade to the 2015 version as long as they can limit themselves to 5.5”, which is still too big but I’ll have to deal.

4” is a bit too small IMO; for me the original Moto X hit the sweet spot for screen size (4.7”) and ergonomics (ie front-pocketable w/o interfering w/ legs bending, and can do most on-screen tasks w/ one hand). 5” can work w/ the right design, but these 5.5”+ phones are ridiculous IMO.

Good stuff. Got the LOTR set (been meaning to upgrade my DVD set) and the MX Performance mouse ... was going to buy it last week as my current one is on the fritz, but wisely waited and saved $15!

Good stuff. Got the LOTR set (been meaning to upgrade my DVD set) and the MX Performance mouse ... was going to buy

Now playing

Oh man, brings me back to the 90’s playing Warcraft I&II on our family Mac Performa. My friends and I would even play 1-on-1 matches via blazing 28.8k modem speeds!

How easy is it to install the Ecobee w/ their included power extender kit (I don’t believe my existing setup has a common wire)?

Now playing

Agree, but it’s just a summer lull. They’ll be back.

Lots of carry on bags tend to prolong the boarding and deplaning process, so by encouraging checked bags perhaps it saves time? I know every time I’ve had to fly frontier the last couple of years I’ve made sure to prepay online to check a bag as it’s the cheapest and easiest option w/ them.

The Camelback adds a nice touch of irony to the costume.

People don’t hate actual Hummers, they hate H2’s or whatever rich suburban soccer mom’s drove in 2006.

I’m in the market for a ‘smart’ thermostat and am leaning towards one with connectivity just so we can change the temp upstairs from bed in the middle of the night if we get too hot (thermostat is downstairs). Also we do turn heat down or a/c up when going on vacation and it’d be nice to be able to turn it on ~30min