
Disagree, I have the non-5.1 version and think it sounds pretty great, especially for the price I paid. Dialogue in movies/tv is clear, video games SFX are good, as is music. Sure it’s not the same as having a receiver and quality speaker setup, but for <$200 it’s way more than adequate.

Disagree, I have the non-5.1 version and think it sounds pretty great, especially for the price I paid. Dialogue in

This is my design.

I used to work at a pizza place and a a guy would come in a couple times a month and always order a pizza with double dough and triple cheese ... and requested that it be “lightly cooked”. It took us a couple times to get to his liking, but basically a sloppy mess w/ undercooked dough. Gross.


Love my Subaru. Here’s the Forester camping at ~12,000 ft:

Outback is gonna be way better for city driving, parking & gas mileage, and interior comfort when driving passengers. From the article:

I have a Forester (just the X, no T) ... smaller than Outback for sure but I like how compact it is for my needs. Engine is not flashy but has good gas mileage and gets the job done, and handling and AWD is excellent. I’ve taken it on some decently gnarly roads to get to trailheads with no issues, and I throw on a set

I remember in high school economics class (must have been 1997-1998) we had a mock stock market thing where we maintained a portfolio through the year, and Amazon was one of the most popular stocks.

Frontier does this. Although they charge for checked bags too.

I agree w/ others, picture backgrounds are just too busy. I’ve always just used this basic blue theme, I think it’s easier on the eyes than the standard layout, but is very clean as well.

Now playing

Fringe was really good at giving the feels.

Lobster roll porn! Red’s in Wiscasset, Maine.

By ignore do you mean include?

Now playing

The recently remastered the whole show for blu-ray, supposedly the effects are much improved.

I hang them on the side of my hamper, instead of just throwing in and getting buried by other clothes, so they can at least air out and not stay damp.

Fun fact of the day : the Stanley is also the hotel in Dumb and Dumber.

The Hobbit illustrated by Michael Hague is the the book I can remember having the longest. Got it as a gift when I was 8 or so and it’s always been on my bookshelf - surviving many moves where other books were purged to Goodwill. The illustrations are so great, and informed my mind’s vision of Middle earth long before

Teal and purple. Ah the 90’s.

Yea I was not so interested based on the tv spots. But it has gotten pretty much all positive reviews so far, so I guess it’s just a case of poor marketing: