
haha me too ... I haven't played a main quest mission in months

Yup. My phone experience is usually in the sub-200 range (cracked iPhone 4s was the last one I did on ebay,). If I had a 5s or something I'd probably give Craigslist a good try first. Although I did end up selling a 1st-Gen Nexus 7 on Craigslist this winter because it was easier to get good $$ than Ebay in that case,

Even with the fees you still usually do better than the fixed-offer buyback sites (especially if the phone is in less than good condition, ie cracked screen), and it's a lot less hassle than Craigslist.

This! The closest I have is a barebones Samsung plasma - no smart features, just 2 HDMI inputs & digital audio outputs. It's a great TV for my playstation in the basement - unfortunately it's not quite high quality enough for prime-time in the living room. I would love Samsung sold a version of their top panel for say

You also never posted your running score with just good running shoes.

If you're going to get a Chase Southwest card wait until they're offering the 50K signup bonus (they usually do a couple times a year). Then get a Premier AND and Plus card, and you pretty much have enough qualifying points to get a companion pass! Which is quite valuable if you fly Southwest a lot with a spouse or

I'm happy to see more breweries putting out session ales. A couple that I've been enjoying this summer here in Colorado:

I've usually found I can sell on Ebay for higher than these type of sites, especially when talking about older models - for example I just sold a cracked screen 4s on Sprint for $150 on Ebay - whereas that's more than the offers for a fully intact Sprint 4s on all these sites.

I haven't used Showtime Anytime, but if it's like HBO Go, here's the reason:

My wife's a pediatrician, and as you said she's seen less and less people towing the anti-vaxx line these days. In fact she has a lot of kids on the "catch up" vaccine schedule now because their parents have changed their minds - probably in part because of the loud backlash to anti-vaxxers. Most of the time the

"Natural immunization" isn't better than immunization through a vaccine. This isn't like trying to increase your max bench press weight or something.

Now playing

Ah yes, for example, here's well known leftist Michelle Bachmann, talking about evil Merck giving little girls mental retardation with the HPV vaccine:

Me too, 20 episodes on my DVR now - the last one is The City of New York vs Homer Simpson.

Maybe he doesn't teach? Many PhD's in my engineering program only did research (because that's what they were getting paid to do). Same goes for a lot of PhD/Master's students, especially in science disciplines. All depends where their funding comes from. This bag would seem appropriate if their research required a

Maybe his research involves a lot of field sampling or something like that?

She's in a pilot for HBO - no idea when it'll air:

We bought an ALPS 3-person tent last year, I'm a fan so far. Weighs somewhere between 5 and 6 lbs, which is fine for backpacking when splitting with 2 people - plenty of room for the wife and I and the dog. It's held up to a couple of decently rainy/windy nights ... and if we're car camping it fits a full-size air

If the plane has wifi they usually give you access to the map online for free.

Engineer here. While all accredited schools have to have the same basic elements in their curriculum, it's misleading to say that you'll have more or less the same experience regardless of the school. Sure, you'll take all the same core science and fundamental engineering courses, especially your first two years, but