
"When you roll over into a Roth IRA the resulting cash can be invested in anything you like. Apple stock, Betterment, Vanguard funds, you name it. Before when we spoke on 1% fees, it's important to understand that in a Roth IRA you can invest in a fund likeVanguard's Total Stock Market ETF which has a fee of 0.05%.

2nd half was pretty good. I really liked the convention episode. Especially looking forward to the Cameron & Donna storyline. One of my favorite things about the show was the development of Donna's character - at first it seemed like she'd be a stereotypical nagging-wife foil to the dark and brooding cable tv male

"If only pricing was Sprint's real problem instead of coverage. "

Hannibal Lecter also recently did this without Photoshop. Or a camera...

Comcast specific - they won't let you activate a Roku for HBO Go. But they do for Chromecast. Why? My guess is because they are dicks.

which models crapped out on you? I've had a 2XD for a couple years now, never he'd a crash or major glitch. Firmware still seems to be supported, which is nice for a 3 year old, last-generation device.

I believe Andrew has reviewed a number of vaporizers:

I was born in '82 ... I feel like I'm in between Gen X and Y/millennials. I identify with some aspects of both generations, but for the most part I feel like an old fart when reading about typical millennial stuff, and was too young to appreciate a lot of the formative GenX stuff.

Ah yes ... and she goes to even insane-er lengths in the later books. Should be fun to see on screen!

True, I usually finish tightening the last couple turns by hand to avoid that.

This may be obvious, but a hex bit makes assembling Ikea furniture and such a heck of a lot quicker! Plus it saves your fingers from those small allen wrenches.

Render out lardons of bacon or another cured pork product, add some olive oil chili flakes and garlic similar to Alberto's method. Get a pot of water boiling, drop in the pasta (I like bucatini, retains a nice chew), when the pasta is 5 min out add a package or two of Trader Joe's cruciferous crunch salad mix (shaved

I was camping on Mt. Sopris in Colorado a few years back - the slope shown in the picture is largely made up of a rock glacier, which in itself it pretty cool because all these boulders and smaller rocks look like a liquid flow, frozen in time. I woke up before the sun came up to watch the sunrise, and after a while

Now playing

The turtles have always loved their national-chain pizza:

I've had the Commute (pre-TSA version) since 2005 or 2006 and it's still rock solid.

Just bought a house, but up until this summer we were renting:

I'll admit I used to partake in mock drafts for a few years when I was super serious about FF. Thankfully I've moved on from that part of my life.

Because these are mock drafts where people hone their strategy in preparation for the real thing. And if someone is making joke picks, it makes it a pointless exercise. And yes, people really do spend this much time practicing for FF drafts.