
My $30 running setup. No, the sound quality isn't top notch, but I want ambient noise to seep in anyway so I don't get run over, so that's not the top priority. The earbuds fit my ears fine, but I imagine that will depend on shape/size of your ears.

Maybe she has a tiny head.

In high school the vending machine outside of our locker room primarily dispensed All Sport and Frutopia. Pretty much sums up the 90's.

You do realize that 1.6% is less than the rate of inflation ... meaning I actually lose money by paying them off early.

If you read through to the "how stuff works" link:

My (engineering) masters thesis was only about 35 pgas of actual writing - granted, there were about 70 pages of appendices, but much of that was just printout of code and data.

Aren't all those scene's in Dance though? Which would mean they might not have cut them out ... they just haven't gotten to them yet.

You only use your phone (or tablet or computer) as a remote; the Chromecast is actually the device that's streaming the content. The only exception is if you're casting from a Chrome tab on your computer.

At this point seems like stuff w/ Balon would have to be in the finale, and his brothers would be introduced next season at the soonest. There's still time for them to follow their arcs to cross paths certain other characters.

Yea that one's pretty good too. I mostly use the Crunch mix for cooking, not raw in salads.

Those are from Red's in Wiscasset, Maine. Unfortunately I'm about 2,000 mile from there ... so no delicious lobster for me.

Does this make up for it?

Yes it it definitely best slightly cooked. My go to method is to saute some bacon or pancetta in olive oil, add garlic, then the salad mix for minute, then toss w/ cooked pasta and add some parmesan. Quick and tasty dinner.

Hell yes, team mayo all the way.

5. Lobster Roll
Lobster, Mayo, Scallions, Sub Roll

Except this stuff. This stuff if frickin' great:

Make this in the oven; it's really easy and holds up against its smoked counterparts:

Funny, he's not an economist, military strategist, accountant, teacher or a doctor, yet he has to discuss and make policy on those matters as well, and I don't recall him giving that answer when expressing opinions on those topics. That's because it's his job, as an elected official, to use the expertise available

It's not just about the price ... it's about getting the house you want. Inventory was virtually non-existent this winter in the areas we wanted to move. Much better options started to come on the market in the spring. Yea, competition drove prices up, but what good is a cheap house that you don't want to live in?

Yes, because the only use for a keyboard on a phone is texting ...