
I doubt it was a stock keyboard. Plus the S3 there have been a lot of updates and improvements to Google's keyboard since the S3 came out 2 years ago. You can get it now on any device, just not stock devices:

haha don't worry my wife and I have some 6.8% loans too!

In the early 00's student loan interest rates were really low; my undergrad debt is fixed at 1.6% (after some lender credits for auto-pay and a certain # of on-time payments), absolutely no reason to pay that off early, I have them on the graduated payback schedule.

That's why I go in on a rental in Summit Co. in the winter; 1/2 hr or less from lots of mtns ... 6am gives me plenty of time to get first tracks!

I'd recommend the Open Snow ... in addition to alerts, it also gives you detailed forecasts so you can plan (well, as much as you can reliably plan on forecasts) on powder ahead of time.

Correction - American cable news and reality television is terrible. There's actually a decent amount of good stuff when you take all that out.

Pair one of these guys w/ a 30% off coupon that can always be found for Sierra Trading post, and you're talking under $150 for a decent backpacking tent.

They're small, but not that small (I believe they're in the top 25 volume-wise of craft breweries in the US). You make a good point, legal issues could certainly make it hard for a brewery to break off sales to a specific bar.

Good point. Sounds like the took care of the situation.

Uh, not arguing with you ... no need to get snippy.Yea, I know the brewery doesn't sell directly to the bar, it's through a third party distributor. Just saying, if someone high up at Oskar Blues saw this story, and really did want to do something about it, they could theoretically get their distributor in that part

True. I suppose they could stop distributing to that bar though if they really wanted.

Someone should let Oskar Blues (the brewery who's logo is on the top of the chalkboard) know about this ... they seem to be a solid company and perhaps would want consider ending their affiliation w/ this bar.

Winner: McDonald's bacon (or sausage) egg & cheese biscuit, with a round "McMuffin" egg subbed in for the standard yellow rubber egg patty

Yea our on-demand only has the most recent few episodes ... heck, I can't even buy the episodes on Amazon if I wanted to. I guess I could buy the blu-rays ... It's like they're asking to be pirated.

Where are you planning on watching past seasons of Person of Interest? I've really been wanting to start it too but it doesn't seem to be on any of the streaming services that I use.

Fargo! Everyone should be watching Fargo, last episode was ridiculous good. One of the better casts on tv I can think of in recent years.

Yup Dany's story is already fully into Dance territory (her last chapter in Storm is the sack of Meereen). Bran's story is kindof into his Dance plot as well, and Brienne & Pod are in their Feast arc already.

Just happened up in Duluth too. There is a suspect:

Very creepy, in a Bioshock (Infinite) way.

Sara's not coming back ... she went to Oakland and got knocked up. Only Don Draper can save her now.