
He's also creating a show on CBS, "Battle Creek" (although he's not going to be the showrunner):

I think they were mostly poking fun at the Sorkin style "walk and talk" a la West Wing now that Leslie works for the Feds. I doubt they will keep that style for next season.

Still gotta have a razor for that edge work. Unless you want to look like a dirty neck-beard hipster.

So was episode 1 ... I can just think of the io9 post from 1997 or so:

Now playing

With Adam Driver in the cast as well, they just need to add JT and they'll have the whole band back together!

I'm in a timezone 2 hours behind most of my co-workers / clients ... so I punch out by 4 pm most days! And I've also conditioned most not to call me before 8am my time (although I'm usually at my desk by 7am).

Ugh, people who don't realize their bathroom is gross ... it amazes me when I visit someone's house, and they seem like a very well put together clean person, and their bathroom is covered in scum and hair. Nasty.

Why? I enjoy watching (good) tv far more than I do cleaning. I also spend my free time skiing, hiking, running, reading, enjoying a few pints with friends, going to the park w/ my dog, etc. Who is to say how someone should spend their time? If having house cleaners come every 2 weeks leaves me more time to sit down

Our house cleaners charge $90 a pop, usually take about 2 hrs. They usually bring 3 people, so when you divide it out and factor in the cut for their boss, it really isn't that much.

That would make a great season finale ... wrap up the major events at Kings Landing w/ Tryion et al, which would seem like the "logical" ending to the season, and then, if that wasn't enough for you, here's "one more thing" in the Riverlands!

Remember, that character is introduced in the books long before Pod & Brienne cross paths with that character who I won't say anything further about., but you know who I'm talking about. The cliffhanger could just be the reveal that the character exists.

I could see them saving that reveal for a season-ending cliffhanger.

Indeed; all the items in that bullet list seem pretty damn reasonable to me.

Smashing is ok, as long as you only do it in about the first 30 seconds of cooking. It's what Shake Shack does:

Have you looked into ETF's? I think the Vanguard Index ETF is the same mix as the equivalent mutual fund, but doesn't have a minimum investment:

I believe this is the 7-11 contraceptive display. No one is having sex after eating this shit.

He has a pretty sweet celestial hallucination in the finale:

I'm a fan of the session IPAs as well. A couple I've tried lately that would work as a spring beer:

Great speakers. I've used the same Promedia 2.1's for my tv(s) for the last 8 years and they're still going strong.