
I don't keep any permanent icons on my desktop (Computer and recycle bin are shortcuts on my taskbar) ... just use it as a temporary filing area (easier to just save stuff to desktop when working rather than specific directories); usually end up clearing it out at the end of each week.

Not to mention CSU.

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Ron Swanson says this is the wrong way to consume alcohol.

I associate anti-vaxxers more with annoying liberals (I say this as a pretty liberal person) than Conservative Christians.

Doesn't Comcast (and maybe TW) offer a package w/ internet + basic tv (no DVR or HD box) + HBO for ~$60? In that case I'd imagine there are plenty of folks who do subscribe to HBO but would still rely on HBO GO to watch new content.

Also, DVD? No thanks. If I'm going to buy physical media, it's sure as hell going to be blu-ray. Futurama in full HD is gorgeous!

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I think the Season 3 finale trumps it though:

True. Honestly I don't drink either when I'm out ... usually just beer or whiskey+ice. Vodka soda is ok for a idiot-proof drink, but why get that when I can get a gin and soda instead? I guess I'm just mad that gin and scotch lost.

A real margarita doesn't have sugar ... And is fantastic. I like tequila better than a vodka, and a good margarita accentuates, but doesn't mask, good tequila. Ergo, I vote for margarita!

Hm maybe I'm spoiled because I live in Denver, "The Napa Valley of Beer", but over the last 10 or so years the American beer scene has really taken off, and most beers I've had are great!

Blue Moon isn't American beer ... it's Multinational Conglomerate Fake Craft Beer for college students.

"Well this will seal their downfall in the eyes of the public."

Yup. I always use the plastic dry cleaning bags that hotels leave in the closet.

Wait, Star Trek lost to Firefly last round.

Why don't you try reading the article. He's not making that argument at all:

That stinks. Here in the US it's not as stringent - there are plenty of prerequisites for studying medicine or other disciplines, but you don't have to do them all right after high school. My wife is a doctor now, but she didn't do the premed track in undergrad - instead just took a lot of the prerequisite hard

I bought my last car new, with a 2% 60-month loan (financed ~$12,000 after down payment). That means I'll pay a bit over $600 in interest over 5 years. $120/year. Really not so bad. Before you even consider potential investments w/ that $$, just inflation alone, plus having more emergency cash available (in my online

It was a compromise - the major conferences wanted all the play-in games to be 16 seeds. Obviously the mid-majors did not want this. So some of the play-ins are at-large higher ranked teams, and some of the play-ins are 16 seed conference winners.

Because often teams who earned their spot by winning a conference championship in a weak conference are not as good by every quantifiable metric as an at large team that plays in a deeper/stronger conference.

I'd believe it ... I just haven't been to a Dunkin lately, there aren't really any near me. Although in my grocery store their bulk coffee is the same price as the Starbucks stuff, so they're definitely trying to brand as a "premium product."