
I will say that Flixster is a pretty good app. Although lately the ads have become more intrusive, and it asks you to sign up for an account a lot.

Clone High. Perhaps w/ all the recent buzz around its creators (they did the Lego Movie) we can get a Clone High Movie!

At least we have Hannibal (however long NBC lets that go for).

I guess he crossed the streams.

Maybe the Storms are related to the Gallaghers in this version (surely I can't be the only Shameless fan here, right??)

Exactly. It's just not as dramatic and visible as death-by-death-ray, so this gets the coverage. But I'm sure many more birds die each year from fine particulate matter or whatnot than by solar or wind farms.

I think maybe that's Ellaria Sand kissing him, not Shae?

I've been happy w/ Chase for credit cards. Few years ago our cc # was compromised from the Monoprice hack, and they called me before I even knew about it, took off the fraudulent charges, and overnighted us new cards since we were leaving on vacation that week. They also proactively sent us new cards since we had

Yup, thankfully we're still in the golden age of tv, plenty to keep me entertained. In addition to True Detective, I'm also enjoying/looking foward to Justified, House of Cards, The Americans, Hannibal, Shameless, to name a few. Plus I'll probably rewatch most of the previous GoT seasons at some point before April!

Nice bed, Shae.

A couple cans of good beer is worth it IMO, along w/ a flask of nice bourbon.

Exactly, we looked at it as a hit to our savings for the short-ish term, but it nets ~$1500 that we'd otherwise owe the IRS this year, plus the gains from the investments over the next 30 years. It's all about playing the long-game, which can definitely be tough sometimes!

I'm not even going to try to add up the costs of all the previous exams she had to take!

Me either. Unless it's referring to this:

Ohh Wesleyyyyyyyy

I keep ~4-6 months living expenses in an online savings account. It fluctuates a few times a year for "emergency" or non-normal large expenses ... such as my wife's professional license exam that cost $2500 (?!$!&%$! - we should be able to deduct next year at least), or an unplanned $5500 contribution to a new IRA

Some smaller cities/towns have done this. Wilson, NC for example has its own fiber network. Looks like they still make you buy a full cable package though... Probably don't have the leverage with content providers to negotiate an a-la-carte system.

Who are you to say what kind of advice Lifehacker should or shouldn't be posting? Clearly they've decided that ripping media is something they are comfortable with posting about, and in the past I've found it to be very useful information: