
I guess the main difference is that TWC is mostly in markets where Comcast doesn't have a presence, whereas AT&T/T-Mobile had lots of overlap.

Now playing

Also after reading that I was dismayed that Clone High was not on Netflix/Amazon/Hulu ... and then I discovered all the episodes are on Youtube!

Grantland had a great feature last week on Clone High:

Oohh Wesley. How I miss Clone High.

Well, if that's the standard, I'd have to email my wife instructions to use the Roku too (and pretty much anything except our standard issue Comcast cable box) on her own ... and I'm sure she's not the only one!

I rent a ski condo in the mtns w/ about 15 other people during the winter, brought my Chromecast up for the season and emailed everyone w/ basic info on how to use it, folks seemed to get the hang of it pretty easily.

Chromecast is great but the lack of the remote means it takes 45 seconds to pause the dang thing and the quality takes about a min to rev up.

My wedding band was from Amazon. Titanium and cheap.

Ah, Dragonlance, one of my first fantasy loves. Did anyone else have the Atlas? Good stuff.

I'd guesstimate about ~1/2 of my peers - low to mid-30's, a few years removed from grad/professional school, now making good money as doctors, lawyer, engineers, etc., starting to have kids - use marijuana at least occasionally. You know, typical stoners with their lives going no where.

I think we know where she learned this warmup routine:


Benioff/Weiss have never promised that one season = one book. Books 1 & 2 fit nicely into single seasons, but the next 3 books sprout so many story lines that it makes sense to "weave" them across multiple seasons. As you said there is still plenty of ASoS KL & Castle Black content for S4, but the Greyjoys, Dany &

Hannibal: yet another serial killer show ... on a broadcast network ... from source material that's already been done and re-done of film. Yea, that's not gonna be good.

Well if you're talking Denver weather v. Cali weather, duh. But Denver v. Boston, as this thread is based on ... Boston has all the shitty stuff you mentioned, expect it's more humid and gross, and everyone is miserable.

Big problem is that they don't take humidity into account. Having lived in both cities, a 90 degree low humidity day in Denver is way more pleasant than a sticky 75-80 degree day in Boston.

If a public school wants to teach a comparative religion course, I'm all for it, as long as it's in the context of historical significance/anthropology/sociology. However, no way in hell (pun intended) should a public school be teaching creationism as science, and that's what some of these states are trying to do. And

It's right on the Amazon home page. And if you search, just filter by "Prime Eligible" items within the streaming video category. And if you have a Roku/Playstation/Xbox/Smart TV or BluRay player/iPhone/Pad/Kindle Fire they all have Amazon Instant Video apps that make it even easier.