
Unbelievably beautiful / ravaged by a devastating drought ... same thing, basically.

Yes those are definitely on my watchlist, good to hear that they're worth checking out.

They both have some exclusive content worth watching (IMO, anyway), for example:

I've used marijuana on and off for ~15 yrs (more "on" lately since I've been living in Colorado!) and have never tried, or had the desire to try anything "harder". Except for booze, which has caused much more shitty side effects than weed.

Come on America, salsa v. guac is the matchup we need and deserve. Or maybe we deserve buffalo chicken dip, beside it's awful and we're awful.

Last Dip Kitchen?

Cincy does border Kentucky. Therefore, it's south by the transitive property. Or something.

Get a siphon style soda maker instead ... more versatile and doesn't rely on proprietary cartridges:

One nitro milk steak please, boiled over-hard.

It's a topping though, not really a dip. Seems similar to chow-chow, which is amazing, but I'd never just eat it as a dip.

It's not really a dip even. More of a spread, to be used sparingly. Just imagine dipping a big scoop of tapenade and putting that in your mouth ... like a spoonful of pre-chewed olives.

Now playing

I like Nitro Milk Stout ... not only because it's delicious, but also because it is fool-proof to pour.

Still down for me.

Ah, I spaced out on the "monstrous" aspect ... I guess save that for best Villain of the Week episodes then!

Fringe: Does White Tulip count as MOTW? Peter Weller's character is a one-shot deal, but some of the themes tie into the mythology...

It's a sequel though, not a reboot.

Shameless also disagrees w/ that notion.

Yep a nice strong indica will do the trick

It's Gore-Tex!

"But if those options don't work for you, the tricopter's flight control software is open source so you're free to hack in your own solution."