
Yes, but said preventative measures mean the critters don't want to eat me. Humans by themselves don't smell particularly good to a bear; they might hurt a person if they feel threatened, but they never actually want to eat a person. It's all the tasty stuff we tend to carry around with us. And when I'm asleep in my

Weight : 59.5 oz

Just think of how awful Breaking Bad would have been if the Aztek was never invented. For that Pontiac, I thank you.

As the shot is fading out, it looks like the Red Keep:

Email is my primary form of communication for work (I work from home).

Yep, I-70 in Colorado during the ski season is goddamn awful. I've heard horror stories about people being stuck for 6+ hrs just to drive the 75 miles back to Denver. Luckily the worst I've caught was about 3.5 hrs when a semi jackknifed and caught on fire, completely closing the eastbound lanes for 3+ hours. We just

Unfortunately, in our house the only practical spot for the tv in the living room is above the fireplace (which isn't used, so no heat issues). At least the previous tenants left the wall mount, so all I had to do was put the bracket on our tv! It's not ideal, but we did get used to it.

My favorite bloody is the Bacon Bloody Mary at Arapahoe Basin. Bacon-infused vodka, with bacon, olive, pickle and a pickled pepper for garnish. Plus, this view:


Haha yes! ... I read the shit out of these probably in 5th - 7th grade or thereabouts.

Agree, he looks pretty big to me. And I'm sure they can use camera tricks to make him look even taller / more intimidating.

They did review the new Earpods when the came out (the link is in this article!)

Olympics in the red?

She was unleashed, in our backyard ... perhaps it's the power-lines in our alley that were distorting the magnetic field!

Well, I just observed my dog pooping while facing West. Either she's defective or maybe just needs to recalibrate her compass by swirling her in a figure 8 pattern, like with a phone.

"We're not doing Obamacare"

Too bad ... the best of tv from the last 10 or so years is right up there w/ the best of cinema, in terms of writing, cinematography, etc. A few highly worthwhile shows on Netflix:

Yea I've been meaning to see Brick as well for a while ... big fan of Rian Johnson's work in Breaking Bad and Looper. I guess today's the day!

Yup ... I think in the context of what will go down in future seasons ... that ending shot will have more of an ominous tone.