
I still use Yahoo Mail. And not just as a spam account.

It would also be cool to go much further into the future to see if we're still around at all.

Just be careful what hotel you stay at:

Still, the course of action they (the Broncos) ended up choosing had a much higher chance of success. No reason to not go w/ the (more) sure thing.

Did you see the previous 58.5 minutes? Denver's D was for the most part incapable of stopping the Dallas offence. Why would they possibly take the ball out of Manning's hands and risk it to the defense to preserve a win?

Most of my friends in undergrad studied abroad for a semester or a year, and I regret not doing so myself.

"Nothing easier than getting it in California."

Here's a good post on the subject:

Rental cars too. Southwest is often running promotions w/ partner companies where you can get a bunch of extra points for reserving through them. Same w/ hotels, without having to be a member of the specific hotel rewards program, as long as they're a SW partner you can usually get bonus points on top of those you


Not quite the same, but I turned my old nexus phone into a media hub of sorts with a chromecast. Can easily access all my music, plus Google music radio and playlists and play it through a TV that's hooked up to a nice sound system. Good for Netflix too of course. stripped out all the apps except for ones used for

Give me a break. Only in a perfect 'Utopian' free market economy would the private sector take care if everything. We however live in real world, in which there are plenty of areas that the private sector doesn't cover, and as a society, yea, we've decided that the govt picks up the slack. Guess what? Kids with cancer

My initial reaction was the same ... but then I remembered that our dog sleeps in bed with us. Which is at least as unsanitary as boots in bed.

I chose more than once per day, although it varies. I have an EVO 4G LTE, and am usually on wifi.

I went to grad school for engineering. There were a good number of fellow engineers and scientists in my department studying climate change and other air pollution research.

If you're in the top 5% of users, then for the avg. user it actually isn't that easy to go over the limit. I rarely top 500 mb a month ... mostly because I'm often on wifi, and I cache playlists on my phone w/ Google Music so I don't have to rely on data to stream music when driving etc.

Ever since I got my EVO 4G LTE, it's become my go-to camera. I used our Canon point and shoot lot more previously when I had a Nexus S, but the HTC's camera is so much better that I hardly take the Canon with me except for stuff like weddings, etc.

Whoops, Kinja'ed... sorry for the double post.

Good stuff. Still, nothing will top Colbert/Cranston when it comes to celebrity "Get Lucky" dances.

Good stuff. Still, nothing will top Colbert/Cranston when it comes to celebrity "Get Lucky" dances.