
Yea I know, I usually give it plenty of lead time but in this case I cut it too close because I was traveling, plus there was a weekend prior to my due date that further delayed it.

Exactly. He started to say "I always did this because ..." and she tells him she doesn't want to hear the tired old line about family again. That's when he surprises by saying he did it for himself.

Yea no way Walt would leave Lydia be. He knows she can be unreliably paranoid and that she favors permanent solutions to loose ends.

Well your post convinced me to call - got the charge taken off, no sweat, took 2 minutes.

I just noticed that I missed a payment by 1 day on a credit card a couple of months ago (yea, I know I should check more frequently but this is a card I just put one recurring bill on each month). I pay through my bank's bill pay; something got delayed and the payment was a day late. It was paid in full the next day.

Now playing

I thought it worked. I mean, how else to end Breaking Bad than in a Scarface-style hail of robot machine-gun bullets?

Now playing

Seriously after it ended one of my first thoughts was WALT JUST SAVED JESSE WITH A MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT HOW BADASS IS THAT?!?!

Loved my Nexus S. Really like the design. Finally broke down earlier this year and bought a used EVO 4G LTE, mostly to have access to LTE (I had the Nexus S w/ WiMax). I still use my Nexus S as media remote of sorts for my chromecast. Still is usable w/ the latest cyanogenmod and some cpu tweaks.

His views on creationism are certainly relevant. If he's going to use his scientific judgment to conclude that creationism is more plausible than evolution, then yes, I'm going to take that into account when considering other conclusions (in a blog post riddled with intentionally inflammatory language no less) that

Celery's mildly bitter flavor profile works well against the sweetness of the corn.

Sub out those bell peppers for pimentos (fresh or jarred) and now we're talking.

Seriously, he's affiliated w/ at least a few right-wing think tanks. He may not be a ultra-conservative luddite, but he certainly pals around w/ enough ultra-conservatives.

Roy Spencer also believes that creationism is more scientifically sound than evolution.

My family got our first computer, a Macintosh LC III, in 1993 (I think). I remember a year or so later getting an external CD-ROM drive for it and being super pumped!

Wouldn't possibly be as good as "The Punishment of X-4" by Ken Cosgrove though.

Anyone have a good third party calendar app recommendation for iOS. My wife *hates* the new calendar in iOS 7 - specifically because I guess there is now less details about events in the monthly views ... any apps out there that are more similar to the iOS 6 calendar? It annoys her so much that she wants to downgrade

1. Yes x1000

I thought the Kindle Fire was sold w/ little to no profit margin on the actual device, because the intent is to sell content. Why not open that up to people that already have Android phones (of which there is no direct Amazon hardware equivalent - yet) or tablets. They already did for Apple products...

Forbid humans to hunt elephants? Yes.