
I actually think the Moto X would be the phone to turn me away from HTC at this point (or maybe LG or whoever makes the Nexus 5). We'll see what's in the pipeline.

If you have a properly sharpened and honed chef's knife you shouldn't need a
"tomato knife."

Position 2 doesn't really put weight on the blade, it just throws the balance off and gives you less control. Pinch grip FTW. Learn it, practice it, love it.

Yea let's forget the 3D ever happened... I consider the EVO LTE to be the proper successor to the OG EVO ... I'm actually running stock on it now and have been happy with it, having received a JB update.

"There's no people who strut around talking shit, posing, & belittling others like you'd find in a globo-gym."

Don't really see how the credit card company is winning... We live within our means and pay them in full every month. If I can gain those dreaded points (which I spend maybe a couple hours a year "calculating" - whatever that actually means) while doing so, not to mention boosting my credit rating, why not? I guess if

"be really smart and dump the CCs altogether!"

Got my first smartphone ~4 yrs ago, the HTC Hero for Sprint. Great little phone (I really like the casing material), actually squeezed a lot of life out of it, by rooting and running cyanogenmod on it. I'm still partial to HTC (after a brief fling w/ Samsung), have an EVO 4G LTE for now and will probably upgrade to

But Jeff Daniels for the Newsroom?? I mean c'mon at least give it to Hamm (who has never won) if you're not going to go Cranston.

Person of Interest ... I've never seen an episode but am tempted to jump right into the new season. Would that be acceptable? I just don't have the time right now to catch up on 2 seasons of a network show (23 episode seasons seem like so much these days!). Plus, it's not available from Netflix or Amazon Prime, so I

My wife has a much higher ceiling on her earning potential than me ... Heck, I'd be perfectly happy being a stay at home dad to our dog (and a kid one day if we have one of those, I suppose) and letting her be the sole breadwinner if I could swing it. I don't think my wife would be so keen on that arrangement though.

Orange is the New Black was released too late for this year's Emmy's. One would think it will get some nominations next year.

4 years ago when I got my first smartphone (HTC Hero baby!). Switched to Sprint from Verizon, the plan with unlimited voice/text/data was cheaper than the voice and text plan I had been on at the time. Sprint definitely has some coverage and data speed issues, but not enough to make me switch, as I'm often on WiFi and

Every day. I have my Thinkpad docked when working, so it's hooked up to a full keyboard and mouse. Couldn't imagine doing my day to day work (modeling software, excel, some database programs, ppt, etc.) without a mouse and numberpad.

Did you get it to match your Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket?

Seriously, I moved from a Samsung to an HTC (EVO 4G LTE) and the improvement in the camera was amazing. I hardly use my Canon point-and-shoot anymore except when I want optical zoom or in certain low light situations.

Google Music easily syncs between your phone and computer. You just install the program, it scans your directory and sends it up to the cloud. Then all your music is available on any device ... or on any browser that you're signed into. I think it even copies over stuff from iTunes such as playlists in ratings (can't

Definitely depends on the car and the area you live in. We were going to buy a used Forester a few years back, but kept finding that 1-3 year old models were only ~10-15% less than new ones. When you factor in the really low financing rates that are frequently offered w/ new cars vs. the rate we would get on the used

Was this the carwash? Bad things tend to happen there.

Yea you're right, it is home + slide for stock. Was thinking of my HTC, but remember that now from my wife's N7.