
Dammit I forgot to DVR it. Now I have to watch it on demand w/ fast forward disabled.

If their phone can't handle it natively (more can these days), then tell them to get GO SMS ... it handles group messages coming from iPhones fine.

Isn't iMessage rolled into the iPhone's SMS app? So if someone on an iPhone includes me in a group chat (I have android), I just see it as a group message in my SMS program. No real problem there... I know some Anroid phones can handle it out of the box now, other wise 3rd party SMS apps such as GO SMS handle group

Seconded. I try to not keep much if any snacky, junk type food around, because inevitably it'll be 3pm and I'll be tired/bored/stressed and all of a sudden I ate a bag of chips. Whoops.

$80 million is the estimate from the prop guys on the show that put the pile together:

3rd, is it wrong for me to feel like 11 million dollars isn't enough to start a new life for the whole family? 11 million might be enough for him, but for all 4 of them— I don't think so.

"Walt in fact was not arrested and in jail. He was right there in front of him."

It's based purely on Facebook likes (of the 'official' show page)...

Shorter races aren't 'easy' if you keep trying to improve and push the pace. I've done a few HM's and a couple 10 milers now and still prefer the shorter races. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the accomplishment, but I just enjoy faster-paced races more. Back in my track/XC days I was always more of a mid-distance

Wow is that all it takes? Guess those energy gels I ate didn't have any carbs ... otherwise I would have broken my PR no problemo. Or ... half marathons are hard, I probably didn't train quite as well as I should have, and let my adrenaline get the best of me and I went too fast the first 4 or 5 miles. So when I hit

Great. Now I can know ahead of time that I'm going to hit a wall at mile 9 next time I run a half marathon. Thanks Garmin!

Yea AMC gave him the shaft with season 5.

I'm really hoping the success of BB gives Gilligan a free ticket to make whatever show/movie he wants next ... and perhaps (I hope!) he wants to go back to sci fi!

WTF, Meet the Feebles, WTF.

Haha Whatley is most definitely iconic.

More roles the Dude has owned:


Season 5 is technically 16 episodes, split into 2 8 episode half seasons (the 2nd of which is airing now).

I'd say I use a healthy mix of paper, Google Keep, and nothing. When working I usually take notes and lists of things to do on a legal pad or notebook. For stuff like groceries i use Keep maybe 1/4 of the time, and the rest of the time I just wing it. Same with packing, projects around the house, etc...

Maybe your company is bad at picking new hires if you see this as an ongoing trend...