
Yes but the 5c gets you LTE, which is the main thing keeping the 4s from being "futureproof," as there won't be a new faster wireless band to be deployed in the next few years. So maybe that is worth an extra $100 to someone, but maybe a fingerprint scanner and upgraded camera isn't.

I dunno, $100 is $100. I could buy a nice dinner out with my wife for $100. Or maybe a few bottles of good whiskey. Or pay for year of Netflix. Buy a Roku or an Apple TV. And such and such.

I was hoping his office was an empty theatre and used an IMAX screen as his monitor. Because that's what I'd do if I were the CEO of IMAX.

Won't this just encourage iPhone thieves to take a finger in addition to stealing your phone?

I agree. $100 only puts it at the pricepoint of pretty much every 'flagship' Android phone a few months after they're released. So if someone were in the market for a high-end phone and was truly undecided between Apple and Android, and a $100 price difference was a big factor then I could see them going for say a HTC

Will the scanner work with enterprise level security or whatever it's called? My wife works at a hospital and in order to link her work exchange account to her phone she's required to have a lock screen password that has to be changed at certain intervals, so would her work IT dept have to sign off on the fingerprint

Pretty sure it was in Jobs' will that Gizmodo would never ever be invited to another Apple event.

But communications, it's phony major!

I'd bet it's down to $100 soon:

Sprint is finally rolling out LTE in our area, so we might finally renew our contract and get subsidized phones. I don't really need a new one, but my wife has the 4s, so she'll probably get the 5c, so she can pickup LTE. Some of the new 5s features seem pretty nice, but I don't think she'll want to pay an extra $100

I like this guy:

But do they automatically turn burst-mode photos into animated GIFS, a la Google+?

One word:

Now playing

What does the research say about long balls?

"According to Deadline, Shankar joined the team after upfronts and was brought on to keep the show centered as a police procedural. Shankar, who's worked on Grimm, CSI and Farscape, brought the genre cop goods while Wyman made his name on Fringe."

Yea you can just get one of those cable hiding strips w/ the adhesive on the back, and paint it to match your wall. Easy and no extra holes to drill. Unless you're really OCD it looks fine.

My university required you to live on campus through sophomore year. And most of the apartments nearby where quite expensive because the slum-lords could get away with charging what they did. Still most folks moved off campus junior-senior year, even though you probably didn't save much vs on-campus housing, because

I kindof agree .. although sometimes the relationship did pay off w/ damn good tv moments ... the ending scene from 'Marionette' comes to mind. In the end the relationship that really mattered in Fringe was Peter-Walter ... and that worked really well as the 'emotional core' of the show, IMO.

VOTE: Logitech UE Mobile Boombox

Interesting, I just visited the bay area (SF, Napa Valley and east bay) and was getting way better coverage speeds for Sprint than I do here in Denver (they're just now building their LTE network here, and the 3G sucks).