
Sure, Fringe peaked during seasons 2 and 3 ... but I wouldn't characterize the last 2 seasons as awful by any stretch of the imagination ... still way better than any season of Falling Skies.

I read too. But I must say, you're missing out on quite a bit of good tv. If 90% of tv is crap as Burke stated, then the remaining 10% is more than enough:

For sure ... I don't see how one could seriously claim Google is "good" at this and Apple is "bad" ... especially considering it's taken Google 3 tries to get to this point (Google TV, Q). Now granted I've only used an Apple TV a couple of times at other people's houses, have never used a Google TV device, and own a

Well, for a third of the price of an Apple TV, one wouldn't really expect the Chromecast to match up feature-for-feature.

+1000 on this

a) No to your question

"call me old fashioned, I just think some things-like dying-should be kept behind Closed doors, among family. "

Roku for the living room tv.

Yea that'd do it. Definitely put in the retaining bolts!

I'm guessing those horror stories of mounts falling off the wall have more to do w/ improper anchoring to the wall, and not the mount itself.

For me, no. I already have a cable box, Roku, and Blu-ray player attached to my living room TV.

Post-coital cigarette? Looks like Pod's sexual escapades continue in S4!

Agree, I'll probably stick w/ the non "s" version; the majority of the time I keep my Thinkpad docked at my desk for work, so that sort of functionality, plus more customization options are more important to me. I'm sure the 440 will be thinner lighter than by current T400 anyway, but I don't necessarily need

Excellent point ... I don't utilize my library nearly enough!

Amanda withdrew $100k on June 4 and another $100k on July 2 and the parents have no idea where the money went, but they mention they believe she spends "a substantial amount" for marijuana and other illegal substances.

I got one from Best Buy yesterday (ordered in the morning online for in-store pickup) and got a working Netflix code. Had to call customer service and get them to send the email with it as it didn't go out the first time though.

a) Money saved by not having a trial

I did mention the sources where it was available legally (well except for the summer rerun thing - but that doesn't help someone who wants to start w/ Season 1). I was expressing frustration, that despite between paying almost $150 month for cable/Netflix/Amazon, I would have to plunk down another $30-$40 to legally

Really want to start watching this show after all the positive reviews from io9 ... but alas it's not available on Netflix, Amazon Prime streaming or Xfinity ondemand/online. And this TV execs, is why people still pirate. I pay a bunch for all those services yet still would have to shell out $30-40 to buy the first

Ordered my from Best Buy yesterday (7/25) morning and picked it up at the store. No code on the receipt and I hadn't gotten an email with it, so I called customer service. For some reason it had been denied - was afraid they say the promotion was over - but the guy I was on the phone confirmed my email and said they'd