
My dog would not appreciate this ... we have a standing agreement that she gets the peanut butter jar when it's down to the last dregs. She's very effective at cleaning it out.

Could be, the Nexus S was my last official upgrade from them (pretty sure that was 18 months). My last "upgrade" was a used EVO 4G LTE off Ebay this past December, so never checked what the upgrade cycle was at that point ... but upon some searching looks like they did change it to 20 months ... bummer.

Got my order in. Might be back-ordered 2 weeks.

I'll stick w/ my Roku until this gets Amazon streaming... btw where's my Amazon video app for Android??

Timely article ... I'm right in the middle of re-reading Anathem. Good stuff.

Eh, I'm over Greek Yogurt. Aussie style all the way.

"Whereas, with renting an apartment, you're basically throwing your money away"

~ Every 18 months (can get a full-subsidized upgrade w/ Sprint at that point) ... have had 3 phones since late 2009:

Sell it on Ebay/Craigslist ... I just got $160 for my 8GB iPad 1 ... you can definitely get more than $200 (looks like at least $250+) for a base-model 2:

"Y'all just roll up on people?"

"Android tablets get a bad rap"

Do they really these days? I know in the Honeycomb era there were some major issues, but it seems that most of those have been addressed in the last year or two. Personally, we just sold our iPad and switched to a Nexus 7, and are very happy with it. Haven't had any problems with apps

OG Cosmos had expensive CGI effects for its time ... but they're pretty dated now. Why not update it for a new generation (not to mention being able to incorporate all the advances in science since the original was produced)?

Per one awesome Youtube commenter:

You can also stream the episodes on Amazon or iTunes for a buck cheaper than the Blu-Ray, if you're so inclined.

Sonoran style!

Avg. age of moms in this family when giving birth = 17.2 yrs

+1 on the foam roller.

I've always found it waaaay less stressful to hire pro movers. That way I can spend my time supervising and making sure stuff gets where it needs to, and even start the unpacking process. For a DIY move w/ friends, it takes a whole lot more energy - not just physically - but also on the coordination side - getting a

Eh, I did that up until I was about 25 and still living in apartments/condos. Now I just hire movers, because fuck moving shit on my own. It's enough work packing/unpacking/setting up everything. I'm not carrying my goddamn dresser and elliptical as well. Last time I helped a friend move, sure, I got pizza and beer