
If you're in a dry climate, swamp (evaporative) coolers are worth looking into. Since you don't really need to remove any more moisture from the air (as normal A/C units do), it's more efficient to use a water-based cooling method, which doesn't require a condenser. You can get ones ranging in size from small portable

Denver, CO : 1-Up and 2-Up

This grant ensures a light bulb in every classroom... and a high-definition TV for the teachers' lounge.

Uh, people make fun of Florida because it's Florida, the weirdest place on earth ... nothing to do with politics. It's harmless.

I'm salaried as well. But we bill our clients, based on hours worked on specific projects, which means I fill out a timesheet every week. So if I was on vacation all week but had to do work shit for 6 hrs, I'd only put 34 hrs towards vacation and bill 6 to projects or other stuff.

I have the ASUS RT-N56U in our basement, and get a great signal upstairs, including in our living room where our Roku has no problem with HD feeds. No their top of the line router but can be had for a lot less (I got mine for $70 on Craigslist):

My router is downstairs in the basement; we have a tv and Roku upstairs. Sorry, not gonna spend the time and effort to route wires up there when I've never had an issue streaming HD content to my TV.

Have a cable running to my desk, so my computer is wired when docked. Wireless everywhere else. Just put in a second tv in my house, and will eventually get some sort of streaming device (console, Roku etc). Will probably just use a wire with that as well, as our router is right next to the tv.

I've had good luck with it in the past. For example, had a mandatory company conference call last year when I was on vacation, so I most certainly didn't charge those 2 hrs to my vacation time. Plus if you're in an industry where you bill your time (consulting, law, etc), your company would most likely prefer to be

Also: If you're working on vacation, definitely don't charge a full 8 hrs/day of vacation time when doing so!

Now playing

I had forgotten about the horse. Now I'm sad. THANKS A LOT!!

Will Gordon is awesome, and he is an expert on all things cheap booze:

When I was very young I remember being traumatized for a while by The Neverending Story.The whole concept of "the nothing" is pretty damn heavy for a little kid. Plus the Sphinx gate scared the shit out of me:

Narragansett makes some damn fine seasonal beers as well. Wish I could get it out in my neck of the woods.

Hattori Hanzo steel.

Any word when Lenovo will be releasing their Thinkpad (T-series) updates w/ Haswell processors? Trying to get my boss to upgrade my work machine, but figured it's worth waiting at this point for the latest and greatest.

That's crazy that firms care about undergrad grades when an applicant earned subsequent masters & PhD degrees. Except for applying to grad school, I've never given, or been asked for, and undergraduate grades/transcripts.

Gotcha. Like EldrinSMP said we have an analogous system in the US, although it varies school to school (and department to department really - in my engineering dept. cum laude was 3.2, whereas in other parts of the university it was 3.4).

Honest question - what are "2:i" and "2:ii"? I have undergrad and grad degrees in an engineering field and have never heard those terms.

I recently bought an off-contract phone and ended up going w/ Ebay instead of Craigslist, after pricing out and researching both. In the end Ebay's buyer protections were what made the difference (pricewise there wasn't a huge difference). I was buying a Sprint (CDMA) phone, so there would have been to way to test w/