
Someone on the internet has a different opinion than me! This makes me sad.

But you still have to buy an Xbox as well ... which is a lot more than paying a couple extra hundred for a smart tv or $50-$100 for a Roku or other streaming box, neither of which have an annual "convenience fee". And those devices are pretty convenient too.

They have Blu-ray players for less than $100 with most apps built in. Or you can get a Roku, Apple TV, etc. for less than $100 (sometimes $50 on sale). None of those options charge a fee to access streaming services that you already pay for.

This has been my routine for the last ~5 yrs (except for the start clean shaven part). I guess I'm on perpetual vacation!

"But no dragon... yet!"

Just picked up a cheap plasma as a basement tv ... will definitely be getting a second Roku to "power" it. Was hoping Apple might release something interesting to compete on that front, but for $50, the Roku LT has pretty much everything I need (except HBO Go, damn you Comcast!!).

Any advice on physician loans ... or issues to watch out for with them? All in all they seem like a good deal (little to no money down with no PMI); my wife (she's in her residency) and I will be looking to buy in the next year or two once her job situation is stable. We've been renting up to this point because we

Have you seen The Americans? Keri Russel killed it in the first season ... I think her character would qualify as an anti-hero. Maybe not Breaking Bad good (but that's kindof a tough standard to live up to), but still one of the better shows on tv these days.

We switched to one of these for an id tag. Now just the rabies tag is actually hanging, with nothing to jangle against. Good stuff.

My (now) wife and I combined finances when we first moved in together after college ... didn't get married until 4+ yrs later, and are going strong 5 years since getting married. We started with just a joint account for common expenses, but soon found it easier to just combine everything. We've never had a serious

Still looks like $99.99 for existing Sprint users...

Still looks like $99.99 for existing Sprint users...

I have a couple of friends in my city that have installed solar panels on their south-facing roofs. They're net-producing energy now most of the time, and estimate the savings from having no energy bill (and actually banking energy and getting rebates) to pay off the capital costs in 5-7 years. Definitely feasible for

He only dropped ~4000 ft vertical feet thought ("before hitting the Rongbuk glacier at an elevation of 19,531 feet.")

I work for a small (<15 person company) and am the only employee in my timezone, let alone city ... so kindof tough to make friends w/ co-workers, attend work events, etc.

What’s the worst TV show cancellation of all time?

For real backpacking you might want more support, but for day hikes where I'm not carrying a ton, I prefer a more minimalist type shoe. Just got these on sale and they feel great on the trails:

IMO, Fringe started ok, then got really really good midway through it's run (seasons 2-3), and then dropped off somewhat, but still remained quality tv, through the last couple of seasons.

If it's like Wirecutter, they do extensive research based on other reviews, but also do their own testing to determine what "the best is". I've found Wirecutter to be incredibly useful for a couple of my recent purchases.

If you're so afraid, make your own ground beef ... buy some chuck steaks, brisket and boneless short ribs (or whatever combo of beef cuts you desire), cut into ~1/2"-1" cubes, put on a sheet tray and freeze for 20 minutes (along with your food processor blade - keeping things cold prevents from making beef mush), then

Will the Krusty Burger have Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages??