
My mom is an occupational therapist in public schools and they bought all the OT's iPads. It's actually very useful for her; lots of apps that are appropriate for her students (fine motor skills, hand/eye stuff, music, etc), and she can also record sessions to refer back to when doing notes.

Pretty sure the ump would need to be able to see at 1000 fps to know it had happened.

"We're less than a month away from snow season"

So wait, to have 'spirituality' I have to believe in god? I can't have strong spiritual feelings just about the vastness and complexity of the universe, and the small, insignificant role we play in it, without attributing that to a god?

Actually, I believe there are whole lot of pieces to that puzzle that we may or may not ever understand, but filling in those blanks with "God did it" is about as intellectually (and, really, spiritually) lazy as you can get.

"no one is forcing kids to go there but their parents, and if its what they believe then they have every right"

First thought of the Sugar Plum Fairy when I saw this.

"Suddenly, you're on the Mars Attacks page"

I work from home, so most days that means wearing gym shorts and a bathrobe, but even I own a few tie clips. Not to keep my ties in place (a properly tied tie can hold its own) on the rare occasions I wear one (weddings, fancy parties and whatnot), but because they look nice.

Count me as another daily 538 and io9 reader!

Sansa Clip+, cheap, and you can use microSD cards to expand the storage.

Yea seems silly ... I guess they figure people will buy the Shuffle if they want a clip? But then you're sacrificing the screen...

I'm far from an "Anything but Apple" guy, as we have multiple Apple products in our house and I like them.

Not sure if it does stock but I know you can install Rockbox, which I think can do gapless playback.

I don't think that's weird. If I'm going to buy a small standalone music player, I don't want to have to buy a case/strap/etc to attach it to me.

In terms of awesomeness per dollar, the Clip (any gen really) still gets my vote for best music player. I have a couple ... one lives in my car as the dedicated music player there, and one for workouts (although don't really run w/ music anymore) and planes trips, beach, etc.

You just made me feel really old by saying you loved Zoolander as a kid.

What specifically, in an education setting as described in the article, won't the Fire provide that an iPad will?

I wonder if he is a big fan of breakfast?

New Nexii (is that the plural of Nexus) would be my guess. Here's to hoping for at least one 4-4.3" Nexus along w/ the behemoths!