
Phone every 1.5 years or so


After years of running w/ music, I tried doing without ~1.5 years ago ... I'd highly recommend giving it a shot. Weirdly it's almost liberating, hard to explain I guess, but I really like not having to rely on music for pacemaking/motivation/etc.

The Go Pro is tempting ... but the truth is while I'm decent enough at skiing and mtn biking, I've seen other folks POV movies of such sports, and unless you're extremely badass, they just aren't that exciting to watch.

Yea except for the (awesome) POV shots from the mountain biker, snowboarder, skier, kayaker, surfer, and the motorcyclist ... nope, no first person shots at all. You do realize the first half (with the sweeping 3rd person shots) was setting up the scene for cool POV shots for each sport?

Maybe they're thinking more along the lines of pro ski/snowboard film makers (like Warren Miller) using these fro POV shots? Although the 15 fps thing complicates that I'd guess. Are there any theaters w/ 4K projection? Maybe an IMAX release?

Word. And I'll continue to judge people who judge people who recline their seats. And so goes the circle of life.

I stopped reading after you used the term "nappy-wappy"

As dented said, the Daily Mail doesn't count as British 'news'.


Yes, because nooooo one buys Microsoft products.

Not useless depending on your needs; I could see this as a good solution for someone who wants to drop cable altogether; if I were to do that, I'd want streaming + DVR for an HD antenna for local channels, which it looks like this can offer.

What if you have a pass? You already paid for it for the month or whatever, so you're not technically paying for that specific trip.

Eh, I'm a baseball fan and Fringe fan, so don't mind too much. I've got plenty of new TV on my DVR so I can wait a couple weeks for new Fringe...

Baseball playoffs.

Maggie is all sorts of awesome this episode.

I guess for online ordering? If they even do that? But even then I'd only see doing that for a big group order, it takes 5 minutes to go through line and get a burrito...

And he's off! Holy shit he dropped fast from that first camera view.

You're confusing acceleration (which the "set rate" of gravity is) and velocity - which with increase will constant acceleration, unless something like air resistance gets in the way. At the higher altitudes there isn't much atmosphere so he'll have time to reach those speeds.