
FYI it's live on the Velocity channel if you get it ... looks great in HD on the big screen!

There supposedly are going to be multiple Nexii(?) from various HW manufacturers this winter. LG is the only confirmed one so far, but there have been rumors of HTC, Samsung, Moto ...

How often do you really need to use the Chipotle mobile site/app? I agree w/ your point that companies really should make an effort to release apps for iOS and Android ... but the lack of Chipotle would be far from a dealbreaker for me.


Ah, gotcha. I was 12 in 1994 and never read up much on the illustrious history of SAT scoring ...

And what exactly happens if everyone decided to follow your line of thinking ... ?

It was 2000 when the max score was 1600.

Humans kind of evolved to reproduce ... doesn't mean everyone has to (or that those who don't are 'wrong' by any means), but also doesn't make those who do 'selfish'.

They might make more money ... but you're forgetting the value of the kid(s). You can easily get a couple hundred thousand for a near-mint condition kid.

"There are elite private universities that admit 1180s (old scale) all the time. "

This. I hate the old "balance for the sake of balance" line (this is what infuriates me about CNN, they take pains to give equal time to 'both sides of the argument', even when one side has no merit). If some one is BSing, call them out on it.

Abuse and torture would be the operative words there.

http://youtu.be/35396305 This one is still the gold standard for these types of videos.

They're just daring me to move to Verizon (which also has LTE in my city, Sprint, not so much).

Boo. Was hoping this could replace my Nexus S 4G. Looks like it will not. And from the sounds of it all the Nexus phones this year are going to be 4.7"+ behemoths ... I really want something in the 4"-4.3" range that isn't gimpy in the specs department. And yes, I know the iPhone 5 would fit this bill, but I'd prefer

haha, not disturbing at all, nope.

This has been my desktop since I took the picture last month; it's the sunrise casting a gold tint on Mt Sopris in Colorado.

I almost bought one and then found out they don't allow HBOGo on Comcast. If that happens I'm definitely getting one.

First time I've heard of phone size being classified by diameter ...

Agreed. I'd be find w/ a good dual-core processor (Jellybean runs fine one my modest single-core Nexus S 4G) as long as it gets killer battery life. That's why I mentioned the RAZR M, which has a 2,000mAh battery.