
A) I donate every year to my local NPR and PBS affiliates. They rely on a mix of federal funding, individual donations, and corporate underwriters.

There are much worse ways to spend 0.012% of the budget than partially funding PBS.

By bending over backwards to seem "balanced", CNN is in fact producing a flawed product.

PBS on the big screen.

She wasn't saying that wearing helmets in general are dweebish ... just that his particular helmet is dweebish ... helmet-snark?

I've actually experienced more scrutiny at small airports than the large ones. I had my regulation 3oz contact lens solution confiscated a po-dunk airport because it contained hydrogen peroxide ... apparantly I can blow up a plane with 3 oz of 3% H2O2. I've probably flown 50 times with the exact same solution and it's

Yea ... I was considering switching from Android to this if Sprint got it ... looks like back to hoping for a Nexus phone on Sprint that isn't tablet-sized.

It's not terribly common, but undiagnosed birth defects and other problems, sometimes fatal, do happen. My wife's a pediatrician, and has seen it ... never has been the fault of the doctors/hospitals (not to say that it can't be, but it's rash to immediately assume that).

Oh please. Most of the friends I delete are high school people I haven't seen or talked to in 15 years ... and none are even remotely in the same field of work as me. And none of them live near me.

Word. I spent less than $100 on a vintage Pioneer amp from the late 1970's and a couple of good bookshelf speakers, the sound quality is just awesome. Especially when I fire up the attached turntable...

Supposedly the one of the next Nexus phones is going to be based on the Optimus G ... so that could alleviate some of the software issues.

Also, don't forget your denim chicken.

I prefer boiled leather.

I dunno, 100%-anecdotally (based on my Facebook feed), a lot of non-tech types seem pretty upset about Apple Maps.

The president doesn't stand in a "big room" trying to pass laws. They are more removed from the "sausage making process" and I tend to think the traits needed to win a debate, while they do showcase the ability to think on your feet and articulate ideas well, are only a part of the "skill set" the POTUS needs. More

Might want to look into Panasonic plasmas too ... highly rated 55" is $1300 on Amazon:

In honor of the debate being in Denver, I'll be imbibing my favorite Denver whiskey to help enjoy the spectacle.

Yes because Obama is personally doing all this. Having a re-election campaign is just part of what being a first-term president entails, all of them have done it (GWB, Clinton, etc.)

Apple has seen the Fire and other cheapish 7" tablets starting to (slightly) undercut their tablet marketshare, so the logical next step is to directly compete w/ them.

These days I pay for cable + HBO + Showtime, so I rarely find the need to download content. When I occasionally do need to for whatever reason (forgot to DVR an episode, not on demand, for example) I'll just search on filestube and grab it from one of the uploading host sites, instead of torrenting. Easier and