
The point you appear to be missing (just like everyone else) is that Millennials are usually not the ones talking about Millennials, it is usually Boomers and Generation X’ers talking about how kids these days [insert offensive generalization].

In reality, I don’t think anyone needs to see Jonah Hill playing Bob Mould when you could just read a book about him.

Who are you? I really want to know.

we don’t have a cow, we have a bull.

Erik Paulsen used to come by my old office every year when I lived in MN and we were all required to politely sit and listen to that asshole tell us he’s not really a partisan politician and how he votes with what he thinks is best for Minnesota making himself seem like a moderate common sense Rep who just happens to

Congress cannot legislate away the electoral college, as it is part of the constitution. They can propose an amendment if they get 2/3 of the house and senate to vote in favor of proposing the amendment. It then must be ratified by 3/4 of the states either by votes from every state legislature or a ratification

Total trainwreck. is he insinuating that he gets real sweaty when they run out of beer and his wife throws a towel at him? Who is this Baret character?

I would have definitely majored in Rock Science with an emphasis on The Clash if it were offered at my school instead of my dumb degree in civil engineering.

I had goat stew with magical spicy mustard sauce at some random country restaurant in St Croix (US Virgin Islands) and it was amazing. top ten best meals I’ve ever had, and it cost like $20 for the whole meal and a few beers for the wife and I.

Howdy and fuck you also.

nah, he goes withlead pipe”

would you walk away from 100 million dollars? I certainly would not. They hired the dumbass, and now they have to pay him whether he coaches or not (I think it is guaranteed money, but am not sure).

I’m on team “Pat Riley” now. Thibs is a motherfucker.

+1 towel

No kidding, the chances of stopping him 4 times in a row on the 1 yard line have to be like, 1% or less.

We haven’t thrown the ball in a goal-to-go situation all year

I am a Bengals fan and I think you are being too hard on Marvin. He has made shitty lemonade with rotten Lemons, can’t ask for too much more than that. Additionally, the Bengals have had a lot of very poorly timed injuries at the end of the seasons they should have been the best.

And now we have the basic plot to make Caddyshack 3!