
“There’s a reason they make chocolate and vanilla too.”

I don’t watch games, I eat tape

Maybe he is just a big angry baby

Stodgy “the right way” baseball people (read: The Cardinals) are the worst.

hide-in-the-corners-and-watch-James-Harden-dribble bullshit into something resembling what basketball’s meant to be when practiced by more than one person simultaneously

7 mentions of things being “butt” should have definitely made the list.

It’s both! I am genuinely complimenting Tom on a great article. I then list a series of complaints of OTHER writers that I am glad not not have found in Tom’s excellent article.

good point. “Dumpster fire” is a great phrase, but must be used sparingly, i.e. not in every single article

He needs a Billy Martin to unleash his true potential.

I really appreciate the post, Tom. It was concise and thoughtful. Much better than a lot of the basketball coverage on this site containing:

as unfortunate as the reality is, you are 100% correct and it drives me nuts that people don’t see it. Sure, there will always be exceptions to the rule, but expecting business owners to operate opposite to the fundamental nature of our capitalist economic system is silly and will never produce meaningful results. You

The original statement is correct. The court upheld the settlement that barred him from running and taking office, despite the fact that the public interest (i.e. voters) wanted him there. Basically it set a precedent that you can use financial settlements to coerce individuals from using their voice and experience to

Just when you think those MSU legal scumbags can’t get any worse, they go and request something like that. It just goes to show you that huge land-grant universities like MSU have way too much power, and a lot of that power comes from athletics. How have these state institutions been allowed to become so corrupt?

The sad part is that without looking it up, I really can’t decide if this is fake or very plausible.

I would say he’s as strong as a horse, but I think he could take a horse.

Not if you are a Cincinnati Reds fan like me...

True, her rage is much more understated and maniacal. less spit flying than when Drew does his out-loud read through, I imagine.

Get a load of this:

They used to have “Buck Night” at the horse racing track in MN. My dad and I would go up on a Thursday night sometimes, you can eat and drink like a king for cheap. Nothing like eating a horse meat hot dog while watching the ponies run.

Hot tip: if you are going to make a fermented beverage that has alcohol in it, you need sugars. I would recommend throwing a bottle of ketchup (or 400 little packets) and some sweet relish in there.