Anyone who hears Laurel has forgotten the face of their father.
Anyone who hears Laurel has forgotten the face of their father.
Actually, it’s Yammy.
If you put meat between two flip flops and eat it, is it a sandwich?
Holy shit, that is an epic hit
Orange: like drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth, but spread out over 30 minutes
It’s weird how seemingly good goalies turn into pumpkins when that guy is on the ice...[checks name]...Oh, they just don’t want their family murdered over the sensitive ego of their idiot leader.
broken (cheap) Matt Harvey is still better than $105 million dollar contract Homer Bailey. The Reds will never get out of this “rebuilding” phase.
If you needed to boil a soup for a long time, would it ever be more fuel efficient to do so in the oven instead of on the stove?
I don’t know, a toddler with any knowledge of basketball wouldn’t play Derrick Rose
Fellow sufferer here as well. I knew Thibs was going to pick up Rose and insert him in places he doesn’t belong and ruin any change the T-Wolves have at making past the Rockets. Fire Thibs and send Rose to Lichtenstein where he can play with other washed up broken basketball players who have no right to be on an NBA…
I forgot Randy. I did not, however, forget Randy’s ear. “The Natural” “Captain America” “Sir Cauliflower Ear”
yeah, late at night. They have the quintessential graphic of a tiny fire raging in the middle of your belly.
Oh hell, yeah! How could I forget the Griffey’s?
ETA: give all the stars to HighAndTight. We made the exact same joke, only he beat me to it by 30 minutes.
thank you, good sir
I bet OBJ a better QB than TB is a WR