I haven’t heard anything about Embiid’s candy bar addiction
I haven’t heard anything about Embiid’s candy bar addiction
This guy gets it!
If I got the day off to get drunk and roll cheese, I would wholeheartedly embrace it.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I never said she was a hypocrite for asking Tennys to apologize, for like the millionth time. I simply think she is being a hypocrite for pointing out someones immaturity when she has a long history (AKA not just once) of poor sportsmanship, being a sore loser, etc. THAT’S IT!
I’m glad you finally get what I am saying.
I am glad you liked my story and agree with me.
Goodness, calm down. Did you completely miss the part where I said he should apologize, and that he appears to be an asshole? Turns out black women (and every other person on the planet) can be a hypocrite about something. I have done it; I think I even did it today! And no, her repeated on-court outbursts don’t have…
I’ll take a silent broadcast over Joe Buck. I fucking hate listening to that guy.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold your horses, Gerb. I was not defending anything Tennys said, nor do I think that Serena is wrong for asking for an apology. I am simply referring to the statement about maturity being a bit hypocritical. It’s like John McEnroe telling a tennis player to control his emotions and be more…
+1 beer for breakfast
Came here to say the same thing. It kind of takes a lot of nerve for Serena to tell others to be more mature, she doesn’t have a great track record of that.
Well? I need a fucking update! I Went to the grocery after work only to find out that my local King Soopers is evidently managed by a joyless communist with non-functional taste buds. They didn’t have any, oh the FURY. I WILL BRING THE PAIN KROGER CORPORATION!
yeah, he is a weird one
Yeah, there is a long and storied history of the White house covering up all kinds of shit at the Whitehouse. Eisenhower had a heart condition that gave him a heart attack and an aneurysm while serving his first term as president, both of which were pretty much entirely covered up.
Just get the NFL concussion protocol people, they are doing a great job!
As a homebrewer, I never cease to be amazed by how badly you have to screw up to make beer that is harmful. All the best things: cheese, pickles, beer, and chocolate involve culturing and fermentation that actually make it pretty tough to get someone sick. It’s like thousands of years of trial and error has allowed…
you had me at “it’s not inedible”
I moved from Central to Mountain and definitely prefer it