That is an excellent and delightfully bitter point. I sure hope Minneapolis doesn’t buy those schmucks another stadium in 20 years.
That is an excellent and delightfully bitter point. I sure hope Minneapolis doesn’t buy those schmucks another stadium in 20 years.
I love Cholula, but have noticed that I am using increasingly heavy amounts of it on certain foods. I would probably need like 30 packets of Cholula to appease my desire for the red salty spicy goodness.
I would put bathtub cheese on a taco. The thing that gets me most excited about the phrase “bathtub cheese” is the sheer quantity of it. You don’t have to worry about cheese stinginess when you have a whole bathtub full of queso fresco.
Shit, not only did he put ketchup on tacos, he put a SHITLOAD of ketchup on those tacos. Gross.
Favorite fish taco experience (maybe not the best tacos) I ever had was at the Montrose Beach restuarant on Lake Michigan in Chicago. That was a great day except for the helacious sunburn on the bottom half of my legs because I fell asleep.
Too bad the Raiders already got Jon Gruden. I wanted more stories on turkey holes and other poultry orifices.
I am from the midwest and have seen people put ketchup on damn near everything. I distinctly remember Junior and Senior high school taco salad days that included ketchup for some of the more “backwoods” students.
Not Fair! You brought facts to an idiot fight.
Yeah, I always there was maybe an FDR situation with him
I learned that on NPR last week too!
Yeah, I do a lot of kettle chip work myself. Lot‘s of bicep and jaw muscle toning.
Holy shit, you are a horrible person...and so am I
I must be referencing how Cam Newtons brain is probably soup now despite white quarterbacks getting much more favorable calls when it comes to dirty and late hits. I also might be referring to all the rich white owners saying and doing racist shit all the time. I might be also referring to a particular quarterback…
What comedy routine? I sell insurance.
Also in 9th grade, I barfed in first period orchestra class, all over my cello. That cleared the room pretty fast.
Yeah, I think the NFL will (and should) adopt some version of targeting as they have it in college. If you knock a guy out of a game on a dirty hit, immediate ejection + 1 more game out.
You don’t have to be modest on the anonymous internet, a fake doctor would say they are 99% sure. 90% is a much safer move in terms of liability insurance and whatnot, you can’t fool me Dr. Arturo.
Poor girl. Who among us hasn’t embarrassingly blown chunks in a horrifyingly public place?