Or could it be that the NFL treats black players and white frat bros differently? Also have you considered switching to State Farm insurance?
Or could it be that the NFL treats black players and white frat bros differently? Also have you considered switching to State Farm insurance?
LeBron James is far to young to be D.B. Cooper
I lived in Chicago for a while, and those people are just flat out blatantly mean compared to MN. However, after moving to Denver, I find that most people are genuinely pretty nice and not very passive aggressive. It is way more noticeable when I go back to MN/Wisconsin for holidays and such.
the funniest thing about “Minnesota Nice” is that people (both in and out of MN) are consistently using it wrong! it is not about being nice, it is about being extremely passive aggressive behind everyone’s back. Small MN towns are entirely fueled by ice fishing, cheap beer, and passive aggressive behavior during the…
non-squeaky cheese curds are just fried, breaded, cheese. Also they are an abomination.
me too. Damn. I love Grand Marais, one of the best places on earth.
HAHA I forgot about zorbaz. The put a Z on every menu item. Drink some zoda, have a couple beerz, get some breadstickz, maybe a zalad if you are watching caloriez. hilarious stuff.
Heggies is good. As is Lotsa Motsa, they serve this at a lot of bars. It is not, however, MN style because that is entirely made up.
Heggies is good. As is Lotsa Motsa, they serve this at a lot of bars. It is not, however, MN style because that is entirely made up.
lived in MN for 25 years of my life, and have had Red Savoy’s pizza numerous times (it’s really good). It’s normal pizza, there is no such thing as Minnesota pizza.
Again, excellent points. Thanks for taking the time to get this stuff through my thick skull.
This is a great and detailed explanation of a viewpoint that I couldn’t have possibly experienced, only witnessed, so thank you for taking the time to write it out. To be clear, I was mostly agreeing with the point of conflation that Damon had made, and how disappointing it is that most of the news coverage focuses on…
I totally agree. That was a poor choice of words on my part. Goddamn, me and Matt Damon are both idiots.
I think the focus of the news should be less about how it affects the harassers and more about how it affects the harassed, as you say. I absolutely think Al Franken should have resigned from the Senate, we should hold our elected officials to at least the low standard of decency of not assaulting other human beings.
I totally agree. I do think there should continue to be reporting of behavior all along the spectrum of reprehensible behavior, but I think there is more room for nuance in how these stories are reported. There should be no place in the Senate for someone who did what Al Franken did. I feel like calling it all sexual…
I will get a lot of flak for this (full disclosure, white man about to agree with other richer white man) but I get what Matt Damon is trying to say, he just said it poorly.
+1 eelpout
+1 swallowed toothpick
Drunk history: Deadspin Kinja Edition
I imagine this is exactly what napoleon was like, only in a hoodie.