
“Yo Frodo, stick out your fuckin’ hand and check out dis ring I just baked. Dere’s fuckin’ ORC LETTUHS on it!”

Thanks fellow Bengals fan for being A TYPICAL BUTT-HURT CRYBABY DOOFUS.

I Want to Brock and Roll all Night!

I work in a male dominated industry (civil engineering consulting) and while I have seen my fair share of inappropriate treatment of women, I have never witnessed the “give the lady a hug, while giving the gents a firm handshake” situation described. I wonder why?

Blake Bortles boggles the mind. He’s two years younger than me but legitimately looks like he could be my father.

That’s how I get to 15!

We used to have crab apple “home run derby’s” on the edge of the cornfield after harvest. Simpler times back then.

Nailed it! They are dang delicious. I put them on all sorts of stuff when I crack open a jar. Great on sandwiches, eggs, pizza, all sorts of stuff really. They are delightfully spicy too.

Seems like the kinda guy who you might overhear saying “why don’t they have any pinot grigio” or some dumb shit.

ah yes, the mini-apple

I miss those. It can be hard to find sport peppers in certain parts of the country. Dear god those hot dogs are incredible.

Not-so-lucky Whitehead...

It’s like a pack of ultra-thin hot dogs. Virginia(style ham)-slims, if you will

I was thinking a DAZN Bagels...

as is someone named Carlos Danger

but picking up a starter that was cut by a different team earlier in the season is right in their wheelhouse.

smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back in the morning

I had an orchestra teacher call me a shithead when I was in 4th grade. He got fired, I felt vindicated.

he was really hoping for double D’s though. 2 classes at 69%

break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar...Fuck it, give me the whole bag.