
This was a tryout for the Michigan reboot of “Trailer Park Boys,” right?

this needs many more stars!

that would have made Dirty Harry a much shorter movie

Wait, I thought it was Kurt too.

Yeah, but electronic devices that are not on cannot record incriminating evidence!

Go fuck yourself!

You are correct, he absolutely would have mocked both, and it would have been glorious.


Let’s say the entire staff of Deadspin was called for a very long and drawn out jury duty session where the participants are fully sequestered, i.e. no social media or internet. Who is the first to lose their minds from social media withdraw? Who would notice/care the least?

Is anyone on the Deadspin staff willing to admit they didn’t read The Hike?

Marchman has been dishing out some very spicy music takes on the Deadcast recently such as “the Beach Boys Suck” and “all the solo careers of individual Beatles members suck.” Please give me more hot takes, I am addicted.

ah, yes. It appears I have some vegemite covered egg on my face.

also not pictured; Shaggy smoking a doob, and picking lint out of his belly button

77 to 140? So scoring a touchdown in Aussie football is like, a little harder than making a bucket in basketball?

Ah yes, the forgotten song “paint drinkin’ blues” by Leadbelly which describes the origin of the nickname.

Goy, that’s a regrettable mistake. How could the copy editor just passover such an egregious spelling error like that?

this guy definitely did not.

downgrade to Wicked possible as early as Thursday

Yep, cast iron is about 1 billion percent better for everything than stainless steel. Like they say: once you go black, you never go back...