

No, Colonel Dipshit is the guy with the Ray Ban’s and Country club Blazer. The guy on the right is Colonel Wobe or something.

Baseball is clearly not a high priority for the Reds Baseball organization.

Do the announcers not like Skyline? Are they Gold Star people?

what if I want coneys?

DEVASTATING. So close, yet so far away.

it looks like a cat vomited on an old pirates uniform from the 70's

I don’t think you need to be an engineer to have realized this. It’s obvious to anyone who has taken basic math courses and knows what money is.

I want to challenge you to a duel or something because I fucking LOVE Cincinnati chili...but the comparison is just too striking.

Yeah, he was pretty painful to watch in a Twins uniform. White Sox are fucked if he’s their “#2" guy.

Jesus, those uniforms are garish...I hate West Virginia.

sure, but would he be able to do that kind of stuff against an NBA team?

yeah, foul tip into the mask is pretty startling too.

It isn’t really a warning if I saw it after what is being warned against. how about trigger apology?

There it is, that’s the one I was looking for.

This guy gets more entertaining every dang day.

“Lady, I’m not an athlete. I’m a professional baseball player.”

do you live close to an Ikea? They have dirt cheap pillows, but they are pretty awful.

Whatever leaks out of my face also leaks out of my midsection, the mattress pad is utterly gross looking on my side of the bed too. My wife does turn into a furnace once she falls asleep and I tend to sweat in any climate above say, 65 degrees F.

there is a brand called “pour house” that I like very much. just as good as big house, bota and others and maybe a touch cheaper. I love box wine, especially white because it doesn’t take up much fridge room.