Mister Tiddles the Cat

Once again, the left is expecting logical consistency and fairness from the right because we have no idea what we’re dealing with, we haven’t in decades. We’re operating on different levels of morality. We expect fairness in all things, including scandals like this, expecting them to admit to their sides failings on

Exactly, a woman who is very dear to me and has been sober for 50 years now once told me, getting sober is not about bad people becoming good, it is about sick people becoming well. If you are a bad person when you’re using you don’t just automatically become a good person when you stop.

They had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Imagine how it must be to victims everywhere when America voted in an abuser to the highest office in the land.

I agree - there was nothing to stop the UK setting up a sovereign wealth fund like the government of Norway (currently estimated at $1 trillion) - but they used the torrent of money to cover the spiralling cost of welfare caused by deindustrialisation policies, tax cuts for the rich and subsidising the sell-off of

Yep - to all of it - the writing was on the wall for UK coal from the mid-1970s when the miners brought down Ted Heath’s government. No future government of either persuasion was going to held to ransom by the miners, so the AGR fleet of reactors was brought on stream as direct competitors for coal no matter the fact

Anyone who thinks coal is coming back is an idiot. It was the same over here after Thatcher closed down the pits in the 80s. The miners and NUM all spoke that coal could still work in the UK but we shut down the last deep-pit last year because it was uncompetitive.

You mean you don’t remember that famous line of the Gettysburg Address? “ It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take the red pill to understand the cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that

I was thinking about his civil rights activism. To me, it seems that it all worked to serve men. He fought for sexual freedom (for men to freely enjoy women), he fought for women to get the pill (so that pregnancies wouldn’t hinder men’s sexual activities with women and men wouldn’t have to worry about being

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.

Now playing

He’s the guy in the video who can’t stand respectfully for 1 minute during the anthem...on Memorial Day no less.

This story boils my blood. These scams and abuses are happening in all kinds of care facilities.

Poor management and oversight is the reason, combined with low-wage staff members who have no authority to do anything that would increase expenses, and get fired if they push back about it.

I’m not too concerned with it. The first reason is that the placebo effect is real: so if people want to believe that some pretty stickers are lessening their anxiety and they have the cash, let them at it.

YES, the entire POINT is that C is a weapon, not a man, who cannot direct himself, despite knowing more about war than any other Roman alive. Even when he’s worshiped as a cult figure it means nothing to him because he knows the inherent worthlessness of battle.

Oh, I can totally see how he would take to it, as well as those other groups. They glorify Coriolanus as a war hero and authoritative (authoritarian?) leader, but in the end that’s kind of a hilarious misreading if that’s what you take away from it. It is precisely those qualities, paired with his unyielding nature,

We’re not “sliding into totalitarianism”, we are confronting changes to policy that most of us don’t like. There’s a huge difference. The Executive branch is making use of its power and the legislative branch is failing to do the same. The judiciary still works, but we’ve allowed ideologues to increase their presence

I watch Ken Burn’s Civil War documentary every year (so I never forget how our country descended into killing each other for the “right” to own slaves). The most fascinating voice-overs are the civilian diaries from the likes of George Templeton Strong and Mary Chesnut. They are civilians trying to keep a lid on

Unfortunately, voting alone won’t do it. Voting + gerrymandering reform is what we really need. I know that Arnold Schwartzenegger isn’t everyone’s favorite person, but I can’t emphasize too much how important it is to get people on board with this.

“Sessions indicated that immigration reform was the job of Congress”

Sessions said that ending DACA would ensure the “rule of law” and protect American citizens from “crime, violence, and terrorism.”