“forces that do not support the MAGA promise,”
“forces that do not support the MAGA promise,”
For a country that was founded on and because of dissent, America always raises the drawbridge with the ‘that’s not the right kind of dissent’ defence. Dissent does not include hate speech, but suffragettes, union organizers, civil rights activists, peaceniks et al, were all brutally opposed by the powers of the day.…
Needs embiggening
They all want someone else to be the authority. It’s an allegory for the parent-child relationship. They can vicariously punish their enemies via Daddy, be given benefits for being good true believers and not have to think or make decisions for themselves.
You are correct. Your assumptions are supported by this latest, very extensive PPP poll (86 pages, but worth a read!)
There’s a line from 1776 (one of my favorite musicals) that I’m reminded of a lot during this administration. It was spoken by a wealthy arch-conservative who didn’t support the revolution and thought the “common man” could be easily influenced to oppose it, as well: “Don’t forget that most men with nothing would…