
Let me know they get rid of the Hiz and Herz crew.

“...how certain people in Europe and the United States view Muslim extremists.”

Why does every AA superhero have the word Black attached to it?

“... an extreme regime gains power and quickly reshapes the country in dangerous ways.”

The best thing about spring?

Yeah Muslisms!!!

“Be warned, there are images of gore and self-harm in the clip.”

I always get a good laugh when a blogger talks about having a “real job.”

Media: “The sky is falling.”

I kinda wish there would be a moratorium on all superhero movies. Like 5-7 years. After that, the SH burnout would subside and it would give these studios some time to come up with fresh ideas.

Why no Native American History month?

Sorry to nitpick, but your kerning on the last two logos does not match the first one. It’s too much. Tighten it up a bit.


Way to focus on the real issues.

You can’t read any article on this site without something about the presidency.

The Senators received over $1M from big pharma?

Sad, crying Huma is the last great untapped meme.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

#11) “The sky is falling.”

The demise of the 4th estate happened a long time ago, snowflake.