I kind of think Amber is giving Kim a backhanded compliment, calling her strong and a slut all in one swipe.
I kind of think Amber is giving Kim a backhanded compliment, calling her strong and a slut all in one swipe.
And Ariel Winter would sell those ugly yeezies for $1000 to a pathetic human that actually thinks they are cool because Kanye says so.
I couldn't stomach Llewelyn Davis, he was great that movie and Justin timberlake were awful.
Yes, once you saw Jennifer Hudson on that screen, you knew they were engraving her name on that Oscar. I get chills about her performance.
That was so awful, I wanted to forget, I'm now reminded.
You're right about the last part, but I'm always Team Bette!
This sounds like an after school special, except in an after school special, they would both be wearing braces full of chocolate cake and smile and wave at each other.
Thank you. Beyoncé couldn't act wet in a swimming pool.
Kim would ask who is Ariel Winter?
I love your comment, it's realness, with a dash of scorch.
Differing opinions, I hated it and my ex husband (while we were married) was in that movie (he hated it too).
That just seems like a Goldie hawn household.
John Goodman always seems like such a lovely person. I believe he is very sensitive, I always get a bitchy vibe from Kristen wiig. Who knows what the deal is there.
I'm not sure how true the A Star is Born/Beyoncé thing is. Most movies Beyoncé has been in have tanked. I say, find someone better.
The funny thing is that when people feel exploited sexually, they tend to cover up their body, instead of posting nude selfies. This woman might have millions of people fooled, but I can see past her liposculpted thighs and team of publicists.
I really hate how blind people are to this vapid woman's motives. That tape was no accident.
I want to see this self serving bitch marching behind Amber Rose, then maybe I'll give her a pass. She's just stealing Ambers shtick.
OMG!!! That just made me float out of my seat.
I love me some Mimi.
Like Mariah, it's a metamorphosis.