
The “PITA” (fascinating acronym) of moving a physical library is a price I’m willing to pay. Ebooks may be wonderful for a lot of reasons but “physical durability”, “access outside of Internet-covered areas” and “no batteries required” are not among them.

Oh, for heaven’s sake. By color?! Um, no.

Consider this wild idea: Arranging your books like they are actual BOOKS with CONTENT that you’re actually interested in: By subject and then author!

“A hit dog will holler”.

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

My Black partner asked if I considered myself “woke/an ally”. I responded that those are terms that have to be earned, you don’t get to claim them. The individuals you claim to support can determine if you are truly helping or just giving lip service. Any man who is crowing about what a feminist he is, is likely full

and the Lord Jesus spoke: “ye, if thou hast a rockin bod, make yon ducats on the site only for fans, my child! dolla, dolla bills, ye all!

He’s an idiot. I can buy that Trump has some kind of animal cunning that let him tap into the worst parts of American culture and leverage that ignorance to his advantage. But that feels almost coincidental, like he was a symptom of something larger that landed him where he was, and then had the right “skillset”

Dean runs an asphalt-paving company, which she probably doesn’t watch him do either.

I appreciate this sentence

Ugh. Quick summary of this and everything in the “poor white folks” genre of recent vintage.

In these conversations debating “economic anxiety” vs good old racism & bigotry, I’m wondering why Fox News isn’t coming up more often. I agree that those other elements are both factors, but the highest correlator between people in my life who fell for the whole Trump thing is that they get their “news” from that

They are literally the most educated people in their communities. They are unquestionably the intelligentsia there.

This includes the fact that he’s gone on to continue being a Republican, right-wing economically, and while he occasionally makes paeans about how the GOP should go after the working class, he himself is a venture capitalist who’s worked for people like Peter Thiel, just about one of the most ghoulish enemies of the

Maybe this is why “be kind” is something you do, not something you claim yourself to be.

Been a Seahawks season ticket holder for a few years. Most importantly, during Beast Mode’s entire Seahawks run up to and including this season.  I cannot think of a more real, honest, and entertaining human being I’ve had the pleasure of watching, meeting or just come across in my lifetime.  He truly is a national

Still grumpy that they didn’t give him the ball in 2015... But he is a class act who doesn’t put on a filter.

I will figuratively take a bullet defending Viggo the Carpathian. Also, Peter MacNicol.

Brian Williams said he was there when Michael wrote the piece

I’m happy that Charlie Jane’s novel career is taking off, but her reviews were always my favorite part of io9.

I went to a theater to see it because of all the spiteful nerd rage against female Ghostbusters and I wanted it to be good, but it just wasn’t. I wasn’t angry about seeing it and I watched it again when I could stream it later just to double check and it was just meh. It had the potential to be good and fun without