
This site is still my favorite place on the entire Internet.

I’ve been reading through these comments today with tears in my eyes. Thanks so much to all of you. Honestly, I’m kinda speechless.

Please keep supporting io9 and its incredible staff. I know there are difficulties and frustrations with the site layout, but these are good journalists who want to bring you the news you

I hate that one of my favorite places on the internet is staffed by some of the most amazing people on earth while being administrated by some of the worst. Good luck out there, and keep being your amazing self. I’ll read anything you write, anywhere you write it.

This is one of the best good bye posts I’ve read on any of these sites.

No jetski.

Sad that nobody has brought up Blood Copy:

There’s some PR guy out there patting himself on the back for this, although the fact that netflix isn’t releasing anyone to talk about this indicates that they know that they fucked up. *sigh*

The “PITA” (fascinating acronym) of moving a physical library is a price I’m willing to pay. Ebooks may be wonderful for a lot of reasons but “physical durability”, “access outside of Internet-covered areas” and “no batteries required” are not among them.

Oh, for heaven’s sake. By color?! Um, no.

Consider this wild idea: Arranging your books like they are actual BOOKS with CONTENT that you’re actually interested in: By subject and then author!

I might be in the minority here, but I actually like Sharon’s heel turn, and it makes sense to me. After all, the woman was declared an enemy of the state and was basically a wanted woman, seemingly for the entirety of the blip, all for the crime of trying to save her country from an internal infiltration and support

Mamma Mia! That’s a spicy paycheck!

That squeal you heard up and down the east coast was me.

Sure hope Carl Lumbly is in it too.

Because when you need to cast an heiress whose family is worth billions of dollars, you cast a Method actress.

As much as I like Julia Louis-Dreyfus, why wouldn’t they cast Monica Bellucci as la Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine?

Can I weigh in with what I hope will be a fairly nuanced response on the issue of mispronounced names and microaggressions?

James is wrong. Thank you for coming to my TEA-Talk.

Here, I fixed it for you.

Why not Scarlet Johansson? You know they will!