
I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks. I absolutely believe Chuck went full crazy as a result of Howard paying him to leave. I think maybe the Jimmy thing was the straw because it was following that exchange with Jimmy he wigged out, but I don't think he would have if the firm thing didn't happen. His whole

It was a tough episode, but I'll be happy to never see Chuck again. And Jimmy was right. Remember the episode where he tells Chuck he'll end up dying all alone? Yup. Good. No ounce of goodness or kindness in Chuck whereas Jimmy there is and he certainly was redeemable until things changed. Can't wait to see how

Amen. It's ridiculous. And Diana is a total ahole this season. After she implored John to protect their family from Danny because he was so dangerous after what he did with Jane. This season is not slow at all. Not one minute of it. And just wait. This goes off like a rocket.

Yes! And you forgot to add another purpose of the review- how bad the show sucks. Seriously. It's a great season and everyone tears this series up. Great acting by all, especially Butz one of the strongest. SMDH

I feel what the criticism is. As we all thought, the best part of the show is gone without Danny full time. Having said that, it's still a really good show. I'm halfway through and still really enjoy it. After suffering through 2 seasons of Better Call Saul (and committing to no mas), this show is like a freight

I think he deserves to win but Hamm has to get his finally on the signing off of Mad M. Mendelsohn is outstanding making it impossible to imagine anyone else in his role. His face does convey it all, actually just in his eyes. Like Gandolfini had those sad eyes that said it all, this guy is as powerful an actor. This

Good recap. Great show. I really enjoyed it. I was unfamiliar with Mendolsohn, and he is a damn powerhouse of an actor. Amazing. Yes, I think there will be lots of flashbacks that we will have Danny but it won't be enough. I also hope we see more Chelsea, and I think that Beth Markey is Danny's mom so we'll see more