Missy Pants

You know what doesn't help you not look like a racist? Suggesting that a WoC can't read.

You always have the most interesting thoughts on race. This should be fun.

Yayyyy! You are chiming in on race again! What fun!

But, if you're not an idiot, you know that comparing a black person to an ape EVER is a bad fucking idea

They have officially arrived.

aww look now you've gone and spilled ranch dressing all over your keyboard

Megan is the worst. I'm just going to say that now, before the season starts.

She's like, if a witch cast a spell on a butterfly and turned her into a Real Girl.

DISAGREE! Faye was the woooorst - that freakout she had when Don asked her to watch Sally? Geez. You don't want kids, that's fine, but own it like a woman and don't come sniveling to your boyfriend about it like a scared bunny rabbit. Megan was more poised and confident before Don started having an effect on her.

I was kinda hoping they would Manson-kill her off last season. She was in the right place in the right time! Missed opportunities!

Megan is the worst. I'm just going to say that now, before the season starts.

Talking about the girl in his math class.

Re: Tori Spelling. My whole life I've suffered from chronic migraines and I've never had a neurologist prescribe me prescription painkillers so I'd like to know how she got one to keep giving her refills. If you have bad migraines you take preventative medications (e.g. Topamax), if you get one you take Aleve (OTC

I totally agree with you. My brother is autistic, and we've had to work very hard to establish boundaries with him. When he was younger he realized he could hug women and girls if he asked them, and because he was so cute they would often oblige, but he's sixteen now, taller than my dad, and is fairly strong. He's

trying to unlock the vagina achievement.

"the vagina achievement"

That just made my day.

I'm autistic and I completely agree with you. I find arguments like 'What if the kid is autistic?' both disrespectful of autistic people and the basic right of every person not to have their boundaries violated.

You're assuming they're after some sort of mutually enjoyable adultish relationship, rather than trying to unlock the vagina achievement.