My head might explode if Hermione becomes a princess.
My head might explode if Hermione becomes a princess.
That Amber Rose-Kardashian clan blood feud is an extremely good look for everyone involved.
"Kanye also insists in the interview that Kim and Beyonce get along. "They love each other. They respect each other. [...] When Beyonce is working on her album she has pictures of Kim on the wall because Kim represents powerful women."
That GIF! Oh my god, that entire scene is everything.
I need to know more about this spoken work album. That's what kills me about the fashion industry. I read that Kate Moss/Alexander McQueen biography and it's main tenet was that fashion in the early 90's strived for a real, gritty, street feel and found that in KM and AM as darlings for their time and beyond. But…
I've never wanted anything to be true more in my life.
I used to work for Kelly in the '90s. She absolutely 100% tried to make a name for herself as a "rapper." She had this spoken-word bullshit she would try to pass off as music. When that Lullaby song from Shawn Mullins (guess how much Googling I had to do to find that!) came out she accused him of biting her rhyme to…
nop, i think its adorable
yeah mark you really dropped the ball on this one
Anybody else scream a little when the first picture out the gate was this view? Mark , quit trying to terrify us!
I've been thinking about streaks... just around my face.
.... Are they getting a renality show? Eh? Eh?
See this movie immediately.
Who are these simple bitches that would not pay Goldie whatever she needed to make this sequel happen?
I'm a Georgian, and while I agree that our reps our crazy, that dude is just a run-of-the-mill conservative "protect the embryos, fuck the low-income babies when they get here" type.
I fucking love this. This comment section is going to be filled with our complaints. <3 u Jez