Missy Pants

pineapple is my favorite pizza topping. I only have it for lunch because of the excessive side eye my husband gives me.

Anchovies are magical manna sent from heaven. If we don't eat them with great relish, we anger the Elder Gods and bring about a Cthulhu Hell-scape.

White people names.

See, that feminist was doing it wrong. Personally, I'm excited to have my own personal white man that I can corrupt with all my social justice warrior evil. Baby sleeper agent!

your friend wins coolest job! Stars! Sorry, reading this article months later...

Related: Gawker Media men leave the seat up, but far less frequently than you might expect.

Yeah, noses are just hard to draw. I can't really do noses. So I decided to flaunt it.

Why is there an article dedicated to one girls suicide? Thousands of people commit suicide every year. What is so unique about this one? A girl has sex with multiple boys, someone films it, she is harassed at school, and kills herself. We have heard it all before.

is this one of the Kardashian sisters??

I cannot think of anything more frightening than a 21 year old's body being forced to keep breathing, forever and ever.

.... but not paying attention or enjoying while you're doing it. Yep, sounds about right! *ducking*

Can we get a study on the disgusting eaters whose maws are like mysterious sound amplification chambers? Even with their mouths closed, they can make the crunch of a single potato chip reverberate throughout the house. Don't care how fast or slow you are eating I shouldn't be able to hear you chewing boiled rice from

Do other states not have a general law giving pedestrians the right of way? Because in California, regardless of whether or not they are crossing legally, pedestrians always have the right of way and motorists need to yield to them.


I keep seeing vet and it combines with the bunny posts and I think it's veterinarian...not veteran. I was so impressed that your entire family took care of all of the kittens and bunnies and puppies of the world...and then I figured it out...


As a fellow alumna, they're just saying what the entire Princeton community was thinking - bring up her name to anyone and it is like a whole body cringe.