Missy Pants

I didn't enter this in the original, because it's really not my story to tell, but it was the single grossest experience of my life. And I deal with explosive bottom kittens and cats.

My brother likely has a cow's protein intolerance. I know this because my daughter does too and his symptoms match hers exactly. My

I'm most bothered by the use of the word "reviled" when the author clearly meant to use the word "rivaled." Truly the most disgusting story ever.

Oh man, I have a very recent anecdote about this, but not sure about how to share without TMI. Due to a couple of medical conditions, I have gotten chronic with this (Not the manual part but the constipation part). I wound up in an intermediate ICU for a week in October. It seems that if things don't move well (which

Why did I google that! Why! I knew what to expect yet I googled and kept looking! I don't know if I should

I think I have one that will finally top the pumpkin seed story. I hope you agree and decide to post it as its own article:

I think the fact that she had nothing but pumpkin seeds up there somehow makes it less gross? Like sure she was rooting around in her butt, but she had fucked up her digestion so much that there was literally no poop there so its not like her hands are covered in shit or anything. That or barely digested solids are

I eat sunflower seeds whole and I'm always terrified of this happening. I've been fine for almost ten years and only had some minor indigestion issues, but someday...

I love and cherish this comment.

I had this due to an allergic reaction.....years later my mother got it in reaction to the same thing. My father's only response was "Nasty. I share cups with you."

Okay, now, maggots. THAT'S where it starts to get seriously gross for me. Like the people who come in to the ER with maggots all over their leg? DO NOT GOOGLE IT.

I think I came into that stall right after you.

I had to do it a few years ago when I had my wisdom teeth pulled; apparently the meds they give you can plug you up like nobody's business. Such was the case with me and, I swear to God, I had a softball up there. I had to use a toothbrush to break it up. I was so mortified.... Until I read this. THANKS, BECKY!

CourtneyZ is my everything. She is the cure to my hangover, the inspiration for my resolutions, and the North Star guiding me through the blogosphere.

Something similar happened to my dog a few weeks ago. She'd eaten way too much of a marrow bone, and was having trouble pooping. She kept squatting and nothing came out. I walked her a good long time - poor thing kept squatting and wiping her butt on grass, thinking something was stuck. I was getting panicky when she

You wanna know what is the most disgusting thing I have ever encountered? At aesthetics school, our instructor happened to casually mention something called "black hairy tongue" as something that happens to people as a result of horrible oral hygiene or, rarely, as a side-effect of some medications. The photos I

Your username and that gif. Bless you, beautiful Internet stranger.

Reading people's brilliant responses to CZ's storybook delusions has really rounded out this day of sitting on the couch watching Chopped and eating Goldfish crackers. A belated Christmas gift, if you will.


CourtneyZ, do you and your lawyer husband find it hard to relate to this story because it didn't take place in a BMW?