Missy Pants

As a non-Christian I never believed in him. Or any fairytale/mythical creature* (looking at you toothfairy). No one ever told me he was or was not real. I just knew. And my parents told me not to be a dick about it to other kids. I'd just listen to them prattle on about Santa and it was all I could do to not roll my

HAHAHA. That means your computer isn't loading the gifs. Not a gendered punctuation and doesn't have anything to do with twitter. Good luck in life, pal.

I think you've got her beat, my friend.

I've known quite a few ladies who dated men with LDS families, and almost every single one of them had a strange gift story to tell. Apparently it's common to give a single orange and make a big deal out of it because something something Joseph Smith oranges something.

Best Christmas present I ever got: a case of the Mondays.

This isn't a gift story, but I think maybe we had the same MIL. I would come home from work to find her in my home, in the closet I shared with my (now-ex) husband, going through OUR laundry basket and taking out only HIS clothes so she could do his laundry. That he saw nothing wrong with this is chief among the

Yeah, when I was driving a cab, those neighborhoods were still black neighborhoods, and I had a few racist old cabbies tell me I was crazy for spending so much time in N and NE Portland. Being from D.C. I shrugged, worked up there, and made twice as much money as they did because there was less competition.

Yeah, its changed a lot from the racist, homophobic town where you couldn't get anything except bar food after 9pm that it was in 1992.

I was 21 and had recently moved from D.C. to Portland to start college. I was accompanied by my boyfriend at the time, a chef who had wooed me with elaborate picnics, five course breakfasts, etc. This is when I first discovered that chefs generally don't like to cook at home.

Worst: My parents have been divorced since before I was born, but randomly in my childhood my dad would want visitation (he lived, at times, between 1-8 hours away). One year the day after Christmas he brought me with him and his wife and my half-siblings to his sister's house. Everyone was given incredibly

I've never gotten any gifts that even approach the level of greatness of a Gizmo/Rambo painting, but my ex-husband did get me a toaster for Christmas. I was engaging in the time-honored tradition of shaking all the wrapped presents to try to guess what they were. The package rattled and it was about the right size. I

For my birthday, he wanted to by me a toaster, because we needed a new one for the apartment

The Best Gift I Ever Got:

The first Christmas that I spent with my in laws I did my best to be helpful. I helped my mother in law address Christmas cards, wrap gifts, and decorate the tree. I picked out a special gift for her that I hoped she would like. On Christmas morning, she gave me a beautiful necklace. I was very touched and

Okay, I'll contribute even though I was a not technically the gift-getter. *Caution, this is not a hilarious story, it is a mortifying story.

My father's sister - my aunt - used to give my sister and I crap because she was jealous of/hated my mother for the myriad reason adult women resent or dislike each other. My parents were happily married, she was not, my sister and I were both healthy - her son was severely disabled, her mother got along with my

Me! Me! My MIL hates me and has never made a secret of this. In all fairness, she barely likes the son I married and makes a big show of that on Facebook. Anyway, one of the ways MIL expresses her dislike is to pretend I don't exist. Like, there are pictures of our wedding day at their house, but I, THE BRIDE, am not

If this were my family, my mom would have tried to smile, laugh, and whisper to not make a scene, because poor Granny was going senile.

Thank you, and everyone for your kind comments. Living through it and coming out on the other side when I was mired so deep and could see no way out has brought strength and clarity. Thank you to all the Jezzies who've unknowingly helped me along my daily journey. Years later, I'm making sure I'm better every day,