Missy Pants
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Commonly, young workers get help from their parents to complete work assignments by a deadline

Between this one and previous post.....

I'd like to chip in to buy him a cane specifically designed so that he can hit people that try to take it away from him. He can use the other cane for navigation.

Brb. Crying.

Have you seen the stories about people taking their parents with them to job interviews or to their work on their first day on the job? Terrifying!

Oh that's awful! My guy is the opposite. Maybe you can send yours to finishing school or something, because that is just unacceptable!

This case might be a little extreme, but here it goes:

My ex had his wisdom teeth out and I took off two days of work to take care of him, drive him back and forth, pick up his prescriptions and make him flavored mashed potatoes and other random foods that he could eat. My doctor thought I had cancer and I had to go get a bunch of biopsies done and you know what I got?

I find myself reacting the same way. I remember my husband once told me, "I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself." I said, "DO YOU NOW!??!" and walked out of the room.

Well, shit, duh. Did they get a friggin' PhD IN DOY?

Maybe the study got it wrong. Maybe study would find men capable of empathy if they could actually find a man who listened to what their female partner was saying.

This doesn't surprise me, even if the study itself is probably wishy washy, data-wise. For one, I think men are trained from very young to not expect sympathy. So that in part translates into a lack of understanding when we want or even need it. Hell, my grandfather used to basically tell me to "suck it up" when I was

We needed a study for this?

Thank you, I do too. I'm pretty outspoken, which he loved about me but is now often annoyed with, but I still tell him that I won't wait forever cause I've got a life to enjoy!

Big hug for you. I stayed in a relationship for ten years, nine years beyond that magical time when he seemed to deeply care about me. I hope things get better for you.

I'm pretty sure this translates outside of hetero relationships too, in business settings and in friendship..

This makes me sad because it's so true for me. My husband went from being an earth angel, totally doting and even worshipping of me, to being a total selfish layabout with ZERO empathy to how I feel. The only time he ever feels sorry for saying rude things or for taking me for granted is when I point out to him that