The boy is *already* a harasser. The refusing to take no for an answer *IS* harassing.
The boy is *already* a harasser. The refusing to take no for an answer *IS* harassing.
So many cuttings of the hairs! Its such a thing!
Why is your sympathy with the stalkers and not the victims?
You must be a millennial.
Human nature?
Cream of mushroom soup, Campbells only, smeared on bread thickly and then toasted under the broiler. Delicious!
6 triscuits with butter, couple slices of swiss and hot salami and handful of olives and I'm good! Maybe a carrot or two. :)
This week my BF was supposed to be out for the evening and changed his plans at the last minute, then he said "what are *we* going to do for dinner?" LOL - "I'm having chips and dip and rum, you can have whatever you like" ;)
I had a roommate that did this blocks of cheese. :)
Thankfully she never had brain damage but the vertebra in her neck were destroyed and gave her a lot of pain later in life. Side note: she was an excellent Mom and never struck us because it had affected her so much as a child.
The only thing spanking teaches is how to lie effectively.
This. My Mother suffered from serious neck issues as an adult and her doctors told her it was "shaken baby syndrome" - she was not shaken as a "baby" but she had vivid memories of being shaken as a small child that she would describe as "thinking my head was going to pop off".
its a mind boggling amount of unexamined privilege thats for sure...
There are Canadians in this thread asserting that racism doesn't happen in the eastern provinces. I didn't know racism in Canada has an eastern border, or that I lived in apparently in a region free of racism... Canadians, we really do exist in bubbles of denial, its disgusting really.
Did you dismiss my comment?
Someones cleaning up the thread? There's other comments that are just wholly missing now...
Crazy eh? Fuck man... just like us too, get hung on the parametres of who is or isn't racist and ignore the fucking racist things that are being done... ugh.
Torontonian here, and shocking, we also have First Nations people here, crazy talk!
There's a reason we have a PC govt right now and it not because people "care" about racism in Canada...