Missy Pants

I feel like she dressed up as herself from 30 years ago...

I'm just so happy there's a tall girl around in the press!

I didn't think I'd ever see the day... but all the commenters seem to agree with you! There's no craziness, no fighting, just everyone agreeing that Hershey sucks... (save for that one weirdo claiming that most Americans don't drink tea because of the boston tea party, which is just hilarious).

You reminded me of this guy who was eating gross stuff years ago! Vol 7 is when he eats the black fungus corn!

If it was 34C and you left your kids in the car for an hour with the windows shut you'd get arrest for similar reasons. ;)

I mean, I like it, but whats with the random reference to Celsius? It is just that 1 degree celsius sounds more scary 34F? I know its not that y'all have seen the light and are joining the rest of us in the metric world...

Imma say no... "rape, stab or kill" is not usually on the list of things one can do to a BDSM partner... firmly in psycho territory.

This, I'm old enough to be her Mother... but there's no one anyone would guess she was my daughter...

LOL - yes, I'm not saying some people don't like heat in a way that could be pathological, this guy was just a "never wrong" dude.

Yes but... in the middle of a sushi restaurant with an unwilling participant as audience... no, just no.

I like logic! Lets do so more!

While I will acknowledge that it is possible that it can be enjoyed, in this instance and with this person, it was more a matter of not being able to admit they'd made a mistake or ever be "wrong". (This came up a lot in the *very* short time we dated.)

I love heat and the flavour, but wasabi is not "heat" its horseradish, a very different effect than chilies. And yes, he was (and is) a huge liar with many issues. :)

I do not understand religious exemptions... the freaking Mennonites get immunized and they shun all technology! What religion is actually against immunizations?

I went on a date once with a guy that ate wasabi straight, claimed because his family was from India he could handle it. And while he didn't yell or spit it out, and totally kept with eating a teaspoon of wasabi with each bite of sushi, he was clearly uncomfortable, eyes and nose running, sweating, drooling a little

Just to clarify, it doesn't run in my family, Reynauds does.

... really? Its been like this my entire life. And Reynauds runs on my family so I just assume its a circulatory issue. I don't have any of the other hyperthyroid symptoms... dry skin, but its winter and I work in education so I wash my hands a lot... fatigue, but again, its winter... constipation, I guess, but again,

There's a surprising number of us on here, we just keep quiet about it for some reason.

How about instead of a race to the bottom and only having empathy for those you *deem* fit to have empathy for, we start treating human beings like human beings and not value them by the job they happen to have at the moment, how about that?

LOL - I lived in Calgary for a few years and one of the bars had a guest DJ "from the ghettos of Toronto" - so I corned the dude to ask where he was from, cuz you know how dangerous and mean the streets of fucking Leaside are!