Missy Pants

I thought we had to change 'em every 7 years?

I've been giving to Care Canada for a couple years now. They empower and educate women and girls so as to lift communities out of poverty from the inside out.

THEY'RE SO BAD! If he hadn't said he was 40 I would have assumed he was in highschool! O_O

I am always cold, so I often have a jacket or sweater on when everyone else is in a tshirt... so I understand the need for sleeves!

There was that time we all ran out of a house screaming because the toilet flushed in a house we thought was empty...

To be fair, J. Brand are fantastic jeans... (stupid fucking jeans I love why you gotta be $280?)

"some cute jeans" - ???

She's pregnant! Let the lady wear what she wants! She's probably hiding crackers in there somewhere!

LOL - basically everyone agrees: she was a horrible horrible person and they all understand why he killed her. Note to self: only murder horrible people, especially in Texas. ;)

I thought he was being just a little bit over the top... and then I saw Bernie in the credit scenes, and nope, he was not over the top.

... I didn't say Islam didn't come third? O_o

But snakes are so cute!!!

I like that people think Cherubs are fat baby like angels with golden bows and arrows...

... I feel so dirty now, like I should go rinse my mouth out with lysol... /blerg

I own this book, its really really good! (Angels are terrifying!)

Lotta people putting words in your mouth tonight.

They didn't say Christians, Angels pre-date Jesus by a lot of years, and pretty sure Islam has them too.

It would take a 1/1000 teenager for sure, but Lorde seems like a rare one.
