I would love a video series where André just critiques people’s fashion choices. I think a fun one would be popular video game characters.
I would love a video series where André just critiques people’s fashion choices. I think a fun one would be popular video game characters.
Yeah, she mentioned her dad was Haitian. I forget where she said her mom was from
Didn’t you know, 99% of black people have 4c hair, so she’s basically a unicorn with her loose curls
Lol, this girl was going off yesterday about how (dark skinned) black women treated her differently because she was mixed. One of her proofs was that a woman braiding her hair didn’t talk to her during the appointment. A lot was just humble bragging about how light she is and how “good” her hair is.
As someone who played basketball in high school, there’s almost nothing more satisfying than a good screen on an unsuspecting opponent
The worst part is that he had the audacity to go back to the court after talking to the police. Some people have no shame
When I applied to universities for undergrad, I always got an email offer first, with a packet showing up in the mail about a week later with more info to entice you to accept. I’m surprised this isn’t common procedure.
When I applied to universities for undergrad, I always got an email offer first, with a packet showing up in the mail about a week later with more info to entice you to accept. I’m surprised this isn’t common procedure.
This post doesn’t mention what I think is the most insane part of the story. At the time of the acceptance, they had only been dating 5 months. She pulled this crazy evil shit for someone she had been dating for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS!!!!
I had an issue with the photo when I first saw it, and I think the main reason for that was not knowing the context. When I saw it, I had no idea who Kimble was, I thought they had just brought in a model to portray a hair stylist for Nicki in the shoot. I won’t be surprised if other people who saw it thought the same…
I totally agreed with you until the use of “wafflestomp”. We don’t need to associate the glorious breakfast food that is a waffle with willful ignorance.
Is it possible to get the recording of her phone call? I want to know how she justified calling the cops on this student.
If I pick up my kid from daycare and he looks like this, I’m fighting everybody
Oh yes it was
Because I will find any excuse to post these
I can practically hear them angrily writing emails that will be featured on the Clapback this week
So the biological aunt is determined an unsuitable guardian because of mistakenly violating the order preventing the mother seeing the kids, but the foster mothers were allowed to get away with withholding food and abusing the children. This is peak white privilege.
The real casting news about this movie is why they changed the gender of the reporter who investigated Ford